3.5 MySQL licensing and support costs

Our current license prices are shown below. All prices are in US Dollars. If you pay by credit card, the currency is EURO (European Union Euro) so the prices will differ slightly.

Number of licenses Price per copy Total
1 US $200 US $200
10 pack US $150 US $1500
50 pack US $120 US $6000

For high volume (OEM) purchases, the following prices apply:

Number of licenses Price per copy Minimum at one time Minimum payment
100-999 US $40 100 US $4000
1000-2499 US $25 200 US $5000
2500-4999 US $20 400 US $8000

For OEM purchases, you must act as the middle-man for eventual problems or extension requests from your users. We also require that OEM customers have at least an extended email support contract.

If you have a low-margin high-volume product, you can always talk to us about other terms (for example, a percent of the sale price). If you do, please be informative about your product, pricing, market and any other information that may be relevant.

After buying 10 MySQL licenses, you will get a personal copy of the pack_isam utility. You are not allowed to redistribute this utility but you can distribute tables packed with it.

A full-price license is not a support agreement and includes very minimal support. This means that we try to answer any relevant question. If the answer is in the documentation, we will direct you to the appropriate section. If you have not purchased a license or support, we probably will not answer at all.

If you discover what we consider a real bug, we are likely to fix it in any case. But if you pay for support we will notify you about the fix status instead of just fixing it in a later release.

More comprehensive support is sold separately. Descriptions of what each level of support includes are given in 3.6 Types of commercial support. Costs for the various types of commercial support are shown below. Support level prices are in EURO (European Union Euro). One EURO is about 1.17 USD.

Type of support Cost per year
Basic email support EURO 170
Extended email support EURO 1000
Login support EURO 2000
Extended login support EURO 5000

You may upgrade from any lower level of support to a higher level of support for the difference between the prices of the two support levels.

3.5.1 Payment information

Currently we can take SWIFT payments, cheques or credit cards.

Payment should be made to:

Postgirot Bank AB

TCX DataKonsult AB
BOX 6434

Account number: 96 77 06 - 3

Specify: license and/or support and your name and email address.

In Europe and Japan you can use EuroGiro (that should be less expensive) to the same account.

If you want to pay by cheque, make it payable to ``Monty Program KB'' and mail it to the address below:

TCX DataKonsult AB
BOX 6434, Torsgatan 21

If you want to pay by credit card over the Internet, you can use TcX's secure license form.

You can also print a copy of the license form, fill it in and send it by fax to:

+46-8-729 69 05

If you want us to bill you, you can use the license form and write ``bill us'' in the comment field. You can also mail a message to with your company information and ask us to bill you.

3.5.2 Contact information

For commercial licensing, or if you have any questions about any of the information in this section, please contact the MySQL licensing team. The much preferred method is by E-Mail to these may take much longer (Fax +46-8-729 69 05).

David Axmark
Detron HB
Kungsgatan 65 B
753 21 UPPSALA
Voice Phone +46-18-10 22 80     (Timezone GMT+1. Swedish and English spoken)