9.3 Taille des tables MySQL

MySQL itself has a 4G limit on table size, and operating systems have their own file size limits. On Linux, the current limit is 2G; on Solaris 2.5.1, the limit is 4G; on Solaris 2.6, the limit is going to be 1000G. Currently, table sizes are limited to either 4G (the MySQL limit) or the operating system limit, whichever is smaller. To get more than 4G requires some changes to MySQL that are on the TODO. F Liste de voeux pour les versions futures de MySQL (la TODO).

If your big table is going to be read-only, you could use pack_isam to merge and compress many tables to one. pack_isam usually compresses a table by at least 50%, so you can have, in effect, much bigger tables. pack_isam.

Another solution can be the included MERGE library, which allows you to handle a collection of identical tables as one. (Identical in this case means that all tables are created with identical column information.) Currently MERGE can only be used to scan a collection of tables because it doesn't support indexes. We will add indexes to this in the near future.