MHonArc Resource List






markup ...

Command-line Option



MSGHEAD defines the markup to occur at the head of each converted message page.

Default Setting


Resource Variables

$DATE$ The date of the message.
$DDMMYY$ Message date in dd/mm/yy format.
$DOCURL$ URL to documentation.
$FIRSTPG$ Filename of first page of main index.
$FROM$ The complete text in the From: field of the message.
$FROMADDR$ The e-mail address in the From: field of the message.
$FROMNAME$ The human name of the person in the From: field of the message. If no human name is found, the username specified in the e-mail address is used.
$GMTDATE$ Current GMT date.
$ICON$ The context-type sensistive icon.
$ICONURL$ The URL to the context-type sensistive icon.
$IDXFNAME$ Filename of main index page.
$IDXLABEL$ Label for main index page.
$IDXPREFIX$ Prefix of filenames of main index pages.
$IDXSIZE$ Max number of messages that may be listed in index page.
$IDXTITLE$ The title of the main index page.
$LASTPG$ Filename of last page in of main index.
$LOCALDATE$ Current local date.
$MMDDYY$ Message date in mm/dd/yy format.
$MSGGMTDATE$ GMT date of current message.
$MSGID$ The message-id of the message.
$MSGLOCALDATE$ Local date of current message.
$MSGNUM$ The message number assigned to the message by MHonArc (includes leading zeros).
$NEXTBUTTON$ Next button markup linking to the next message according to the main index list order.
$NEXTFROM$ Content of From field of the next message according to the list order of the main index.
$NEXTFROMADDR$ E-mail address contained in From field of the next message according to the list order of the main index.
$NEXTFROMNAME$ Human name contained in From field of the next message according to the list order of the main index.
$NEXTLINK$ Next link markup linking to the next message according to the main index list order.
$NEXTMSG$ Filename of next message according to the list order of the main index.
$NEXTMSGNUM$ Number assigned to next message according to the list order of the main index.
$NEXTSUBJECT$ Subject of next message according to the list order of the main index.
$NUMFOLUP$ Number of explicit follow-ups to the message.
$NUMOFMSG$ Number of messages in the archive.
$NUMOFPAGES$ Number of index pages.
$ORDNUM$ The current listing number of the message.
$OUTDIR$ Pathname of archive.
$PREVBUTTON$ Previous button markup linking to the previous message according to the main index list order.
$PREVFROM$ Content of From field of the previous message according to the list order of the main index.
$PREVFROMADDR$ E-mail address contained in From field of the previous message according to the list order of the main index.
$PREVFROMNAME$ Human name contained in From field of the previous message according to the list order of the main index.
$PREVLINK$ Previous link markup linking to the previous message according to the main index list order.
$PREVMSG$ Filename of previous message according to the list order of the main index.
$PREVMSGNUM$ Number assigned to previous message according to the list order of the main index.
$PREVSUBJECT$ Subject of previous message according to the list order of the main index.
$PROG$ Program name
$SUBJECTNA$ The subject text of the message without the anchor element.
$TFIRSTPG$ Filename of first page of thread index.
$TIDXFNAME$ Filename of thread index page.
$TIDXLABEL$ Label for thread index page.
$TIDXPREFIX$ Prefix of filenames of thread index pages.
$TIDXTITLE$ Title of thread index.
$TLASTPG$ Filename of last page of thread index.
$TNEXTBUTTON$ Next button markup linking to the next message according to the thread index list order.
$TNEXTFROM$ Content of From field of the next message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TNEXTFROMADDR$ E-mail address contained in From field of the next message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TNEXTFROMNAME$ Human name contained in From field of the next message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TNEXTLINK$ Next link markup linking to the next message according to the thread index list order.
$TNEXTMSG$ Filename of next message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TNEXTMSGNUM$ Number assigned to next message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TNEXTSUBJECT$ Subject of next message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TPREVBUTTON$ Previous button markup linking to the previous message according to the thread index list order.
$TPREVFROM$ Content of From field of the previous message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TPREVFROMADDR$ E-mail address contained in From field of the previous message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TPREVFROMNAME$ Human name contained in From field of the previous message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TPREVLINK$ Previous link markup linking to the previous message according to the thread index list order.
$TPREVMSG$ Filename of previous message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TPREVMSGNUM$ Number assigned to previous message according to the list order of the thread index.
$TPREVSUBJECT$ Subject of previous message according to the list order of the thread index.
$VERSION$ Program version.
$YYMMDD$ Message date in yy/mm/dd format.





See Also


97/02/18 16:27:31
Copyright © 1997, Earl Hood,