[Table of Contents]


Mailing List

A mailing list, mhonarc@rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de, is available to provide a discussion forum on the usage and development of MHonArc. Appropriate topics for the list include: usage questions, bug reports, behavioral enhancements, documentation bugs, and general help.

To subscribe to the mailing list, send mail to mhonarc-request@rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de with the command,


as the message body.

If you send mail mhonarc@rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de, your message will be distributed to all subscribers on the list.

The mailing list is archived by Majordomo. You can also use the WWW to access the archive (with full text search using glimpse) at <URL:http://www.rosat.mpe-garching.mpg.de/mailing-lists/mhonarc/>


The people listed here are those responsible for development and support of MHonArc.

Earl Hood

Creator and developer of MHonArc. Also author of the documention, for what it is worth.

Steve Pacenka

Helped isolate code that would conflict with MS-DOS.

Achim Bohnet

Administrator, and maintainer, of the MHonArc mailing list.

MHonArc users

Everyone who helps answer questions and make comments to improve the quality of MHonArc.

[Table of Contents]

97/02/06 19:10:00
Copyright © 1997, Earl Hood, ehood@medusa.acs.uci.edu