The Parameters

Here is the documentation for the applet parameters. All the parameters must be specified, even if they will not be used.

Parameters Description Example
image names the file containing the background image and the rollover images. <param name=image value="background.gif">
bg-color specifies a color to paint behind the background image. This color is only visible if the background image has transparent pixels or if the applet is larger than the background image.  
separator specifies the character used to separate items in menuX parameters. <param name=separator value="|">
newline specifies the character used to force a newline in a menu item. <param name=separator value="^">
font the font type to use for the menu items. There are only three possible values - Helvetica, TimesRoman, and Courier. <param name=separator value="Helvetica">
font-height the pixel height of the font to use for the menu items. <param name=separator value="14">
marginh the number of pixels to the left and right of the menu item labels. <param name=marginh value="2">
marginv the number of pixels above and below each menu item label. <param name=marginv value="2">
fg-menu-color the color to paint the text of the menu item labels. The color is specified by an RGB triplet of 3 decimal numbers in the range of 0-255. <param name=fg-menu-color value="0 0 0">
fg-hi-menu-color the color to paint the text of highlighted menu item labels. The color is specified by an RGB triplet of 3 decimal numbers in the range of 0-255. <param name=fg-hi-menu-color value="255 255 255">
bg-menu-color the color to paint the background of the menu items. The color is specified by an RGB triplet of 3 decimal numbers in the range of 0-255. <param name=bg-menu-color value="0 255 0">
bg-hi-menu-color the color to paint the background of highlighted menu items. The color is specified by an RGB triplet of 3 decimal numbers in the range of 0-255. <param name=bg-hi-menu-color value="10 10 10">
target if present, specifies the target frame that will show the new url. <param name=target value="otherframe">
menuX where X starts at 0 and increases upward by 1.

The value of this parameter is made up of 5 non-optional values, separated by the separator character describe above:

hotbox a set of four numbers specifying a rectangle on the image. When the cursor rolls into the hotbox, a menu is displayed.

The four numbers are - x, y, width, and height.

srcImage a set of four numbers specifying a rectangle on the image. When the cursor rolls into the hotbox, the sub-image defined by srcImage is drawn over the main image. The location is defined by dstPt.

The four numbers are - x, y, width, and height.

dstPt is a set of two number specifying the location on the image that srcImage should appear.

The two numbers are - x, and y.

downUp parameter specifying whether the menu should be drawn downward or upward from dstPt.
mainUrl the url that the applet will send the browser when the user clicks in the hotbox.

The values that follow the above non-optional 5 values specify the menu items for the menu. If no values are specified, no menu will appear when the cursor moves into the hotbox.

The menu items are specified by pairs of values.

label is the menu label. A menu label can appear on more than one line by using the newline parameter described above.
url the url that the applet will send the browser when the user clicks on the menu item.
<param name=menu0 value="
0 0 148 18|
148 0 148 18|
0 0|
Intro FAQ|/products/jdk/faq.html|
Java Story|/nav/whatis/index.html">


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