
Convenience routines for accessing the global registry


gk::registry ?-registry registry? addprocess
gk::registry ?-registry registry? addgroup
gk::registry ?-registry registry? addgroupmember
gk::registry ?-registry registry? addenvironment env type


The gk::registry command provides a simplified front end for storing information in the default system registry, or optionally, any other registry.

The "gk::registry addprocess" command adds a new entry to the registry's directory containing information about the local process. In particular, the process' host, port, usernum and group are stored.

The "gk::registry addgroup" command adds a new entry to the registry's directory containing information about the group the local process belongs to. The group represents the entire collection of processes started by the user (e.g. their session manager and all created conferences). The local process is added to the new group entry.

The "gk::registry addgroupmember" command adds the local process to an already existing group in the registry's directory.

The "gk::registry addenvironment" command publishes information about the specified environment into the registry. The type of the environment is stored, and the local process is registered as a maintainer of the environment, meaning others can connect to the local process and thereby connect to the environment.

GroupKit Reference Manual. Last updated April 24, 1998 by Mark Roseman.