
Radar view awareness display


gk::radar ?-document document? pathName


The radar view widget is a passive awareness display that will track the movements of users in a two-dimensional document. The radar responds to changes in GroupKit's awareness model to update its display. Typically, the radar view will also be used in conjunction with GroupKit's scrollbars, which generate changes in the awareness model. This is seen in the following code fragment:

  grid [canvas .c -scrollregion "0 0 2000 2000"] \
      -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nwes
  grid [gk::scrollbar .hs -orient horizontal -command ".c xview" \
      -multiuser no] -column 0 -row 1 -sticky we
  grid [gk::scrollbar .vs -command ".c yview" -multiuser no] \
      -column 1 -row 0 -rowspan 2 -sticky ns
  grid [gk::radar .r] -column 2 -row 0

GroupKit Reference Manual. Last updated May 20, 1998 by Mark Roseman.