
Standard menubar facilities for GroupKit applications


gk::menus addstandard ?pathname? ?parent?
gk::menus addhelp name html ?menubar?
gk::menus addconferences ?menubar?


The gk::menus command provides some convenience routines allowing you to quickly and easily add support for some common menu items to your GroupKit application.

The "gk::menus addstandard" command adds a standard menubar to (by default) the root window of your application, containing items for online help, displaying the list of participants, exiting, debugging, and so on.

The "gk::menus addhelp" command allows you to add a menu item to the help menu, which when invoked will display a help message that you specify (formatted as HTML) in a dialog box.

Finally, the "gk::menus addconferences" command can be used by session managers to add a list of known conference types to the menubar. When a conference is chosen, a dialog box prompts for the name of the conference, and then "gk::sessionmgr create" is called to create the new conference.

GroupKit Reference Manual. Last updated March 30, 1998 by Mark Roseman.