
Handle process startup and initialization


gk::init universal args
gk::init faceless ?value?
gk::init connectToRegistrar
gk::init acknowledgeToLauncher


The gk::init command is used internally to manage the startup and initialization of GroupKit processes.

The "gk::init universal" command is normally the first thing run by a GroupKit process. It parses the command line parameters and the preferences file. It establishes the gk::localInfo environment, and stores a variety of information there, including the local process' host, port, registries and so on.

The "gk::init faceless" command determines whether the process will run as a background daemon, or will present a user interface. Passing a value of "1" signifies the process will run as a daemon. Calling this routine without any value will return the current value of 1 or 0.

The "gk::init connectToRegistrar" command initiates a connection to the registrar (whose location was determined by gk::init universal, either from the command line, a prompt dialog, or the preferences file). This command also determines the id of the local process, as well as its group.

The "gk::init acknowledgeToLauncher" is needed when the local process has been created at the request of another process, e.g. a session manager used a process creator to create a conference process. This routine connects back to the process launcher to inform it that the process was successfully created, and passes along the process id.

GroupKit Reference Manual. Last updated April 24, 1998 by Mark Roseman.