Ce dossier contient des fichiers broderies de emoji. La plupart sont indexés dans le tableau Liste des emojis numérisés pour broder. Lisez les explications dans Emoji Embroidery Project.
This folder contains embroidery emoji files in clipart, design and machine format. Most are indexed in the List of digitized emojis for embroiderytable. Read some explanations in Emoji Embroidery Project .
Dieser Ordner enthält Clipart (SVG, PNG), Emoji Design (DSG, EMB, InkStitch/SVG), Stick-dateien (PES, DST, JEF) und photos (JPG). Die meisten sind in der Tabelle Liste der stickbaren Emojis indiziert.
Embroidery designs (both design and machine files) created within the emoji embroidery project by Daniel K. Schneider (Faclab, University of Geneva / Arbores TECH SARL are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Daniel K. Schneider, nov 2020 / June 2024