1 About & Disclaimer
2 Topics
3 Events (including past ones)
4 Texts
5 Courses (Syllabi, etc.)
6 Virtual Worlds and Integrated WWW servers
7 Various Software
Description: A Cyberspace Index reflecting some of my current
interests: basically multi-user virtual environments.
Keywords: Virtual Environments, VR, VE, MUVE, education, learning,
collaboration, CSCW, CSCL, Virtual Worlds, Moving Worlds, Java, VRML.
This is just a rather disorganized page started in 1996 and very
unfrequently updated (I don't have the time to clean out bad links
either ) !! Sometimes in 2002 I decided to stop making updates (didn't
do much in the last 2 years). But I keep this page alive, since it got
some pointers to really cool stuff and I certainly will update it some
day (probably in winter 2005).
The best ressource used to be the
HITL (Human Interface Technology Lab). Start with the
KNOWLEDGE BASE PROJECT main page. Of particular interests to me are the following
documents (mostly produced by HITLs Cybrarian:
Toni Emerson): [this project is dead now which is a real shame]
WWW Collaboration Projects Daniel LaLiberte's Hypernews-based Index.
- Collaboration,
Knowledge Representation and Automatability Index at W3C (last update in 96 ?).
- CMC Studies
Center. The Web's oldest CMC index by CMC pioneer John December, top
quality and regularly updated.
- Gesellschaftliche
Aspekte computervermittelter Kommunikation Last update in 1995, but has many pointers to CMC Research.
- The The CSCW Page including the no longer upated
The unOfficial Yellow Pages of CSCW. Best index for computer supported collaborative Work.
- Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) Virtual Library Very good Meta Index.
- HCI Index by Hans de Graaff. Top quality and regularly updated.
Human-Computer Interaction Resources on the Net by Mikael Ericsson.
- AI
in Design Webliography (also good pointers do "just" design)
- Knowledge-Based Collaboration Webs, a recent MIT AI Lab project
- WebBoard O'Reilly's Webconference Software
- TeamWave Workplace Unix/PC/Mac groupware featuring whiteboards, chat, video
conferencing, application sharing.
- Allaire Forum Cold Fusion-based application.
- VLSCs, Warren
Sack's work on Very Large-scale conversations
- collaborate.com Service company, with a resource page (links, reading list,
- Conferencing Software for the
Web Very Good Index by David R. Wolley
- Groupware page at usabilityfirst.com
- Avogato is also a research testbed for work on group trust metrics
- TerraNova. Good blog. It is about an emerging social phenomenon called
"virtual worlds" -- computer-generated, persistent, immersive, and
representational social platforms. Currently, the most popular virtual
worlds are massively multiplayer online roleplaying games (MMORPGs),
such as Everquest and Star Wars Galaxies. However, there are many other
old and new varieties of virtual worlds. (9/2004)
Groupware : Virtual Communities Gvery good centre for advanced learning technologies list
Campus Life Comes to Second Lif by Daniel Terdiman, Wired (about teaching within Second Life, i.e.
what people did with muds 15 years ago). (9/2004)
- Distributed
Virtual Environment Links (at Open Community/Mitsubishi), points to most major 3D/VR sites
in the area.
- Collaborative
Virtual Environments Dave Snowdon's Index (related to the CVE mailing list)
Cybrary: Virtual Environments and Virtual Communities. Nice general VE index.
- Educational VR (MUD) page
- The Contact consortium Contact, Culture and Community in digital space. (has hotlinks to
most major virtual worlds and other pointers and several
mailing lists).
- VLearn 3D Institutions around the world are collaborating in 3D educational
environments .....
A report from the VC97 conference, a text with some nice ideas.
- UCLA's Center for
the Study of Online Community
- Virtual Education Web
- Virtual Reality and Education Good pointers to articles.
Les environnements virtuels collaboratifs en réseau qui utilisent le
langage VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) Revue de qq environnements par Nathalie Pilard.
Vircom. A Swedish Project (including a good index page).
Kulwinder's research on usability in VEs
- GEL Open source toolkit and open standard for multi-user
three-dimensional worlds (release planned for 8/99, looks promising)
- Artificial
Culture and Computational Anthropology (good home page of a PhD student)
- CypherPunks Mailing
List * CypherPunk
Mailing List (cypherpunks@toad.com)
Graphic Adventure Languages ... single user VEs ;)
- IETF has a good issue on educational
on-line collaborative environments.
- invisible Crowds in
Cyberspace: Measuring and Mapping the Social Structure of USENET?, a study by Marc
Smith. Netscan software available (not tested).
- Fuchsia Shock has good Cyberpunk etext, ebooks, essays, Gibson
- on-line books
in sci-fi ... rather illegal I suppose
- Voidspace An other trendy cyberspace portal
- The
Psychology of Cyberspace by John Suler, includes many articles, e.g.
Life at the Palace A Cyberpsychology Case Study (includes also pointers to other
- Augmented
Reality Hompage. This page provides a "portal" to the world wide web of "Augmented
Reality" (AR). This portal has links to technology, research groups,
projects, products, and resources for more information, related to AR.
- InfoViz pointers by DAO at Tecfa also
- Adaptive Hypertext & Hypermedia Index page (Paul de Bra, Eindhoven University of Technology).
publications etc.
- Visualization
for Access to Complex Documents, a NIST project.
- Selected Hypertext
Resources on the Web (@ Eastgate)
- Idea Management and Global Ideas Bank
- See some of CASA's
research projects for geography, modelling, etc. of Cyberspace. Some cool research !
- http://cn.net.au/ may help you to find something on the Web [put this elsewhere]
- XML Linking Language. XLink uses XML syntax to create structures that can describe the
simple unidirectional hyperlinks of today's HTML as well as more
sophisticated multi-ended and typed links.
- Index: VRNews
Information Visualization Links. Good
- Index:
Information Visualization by Martin Graham
- Index: The Tlon Mailing
List has several good pointers on knowledge representation,
visualization, etc.
- WordNet is is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired
by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory (cool
- Topic Maps: Topic Maps (commercial site) are an ISO Standard
ISO/IEC 13250 defining a model and architecture for the semantic structuring of
link networks. SGML and XML notations are available.
- KDnuggets Good Index on Data Mining, Web Mining, Knowledge Discovery and
more. E.g. see
Software for Visualization
- On-line Library of Information
Visualization Environments
- Mindmanager a commercial MindMap tool
- Map.netTim Bray's execllent new Antarctica Site based on DMOZ
- Interactive Fiction (Interactive Fiction is a story-telling medium in which the player
is actively responsible for driving the plot) - Good site
- Interactive Fiction at
about.com (good, includes lists of software, articles, FAQs)
The OZ project s developing technology and art to help artists create high
quality interactive drama (still alive project ?)
- KMetaSite Knowledge Management Portal (includes articles, who is who and
other sites)
- Entovation Internationl LTd
- IHM Concept Map Software See for instance the
Public CMaps
- R. Horn's work on Visual Languages, e.g.
the argumentation mapping project, free cliparts page, ...
Other Pointers
Well it's just Java and alike + plugins + traditional forms/server
side script based stuff ;)
(totally uncomplete!)
See also other indexes. Like everything on this page, updating is done
- ISWC - International Symposium on
Wearable Computers Atlanta, oc 16-17 2000
- 6th Eurographics Workshop on
Virtual Environments (page has short abstracts)
Hypertextes et Hypermédias Paris 23-24 sept 99 (some original talks)
- DCNet
'99 DCNet99 is an online conference that focuses on the future of
design computing. 30 no - 3 dec 1999, Sidney
- CHI 2000 Human Factors in Computing Systems (The Hague, April 1-6 2000)
- Second Workshop on
Intelligent Virtual Agents (VA99) University of Salford UK, 13th -15th September 1999
- AAAI 2000 Spring
Symposium Series "Smart Graphics" March 20th-22nd 2000, Stanford, CA, USA
- The 6th European
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Copenhagen, 12-16 sept 99. See also
Evolving use of groupware
- Symposium on
Virtual Reality Software and Technology 1999, 20-22 dec 1999, London
- Second International
Workshop on Augmented Reality (IWAR) '99 Call for Papers, oct 20-21, San Francisco
- Intelligent Virtual
Agents (Virtual Agents 99) The Centre for Virtual Environments, University of Salford,
Salford, United Kingdom, 13th September 1999 part of
TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, CT99, San Francisco/Silicon Valley, USA, Aug. 11-14, 1999
- VRML99 the Fourth International Conference on the Virtual Reality
Modeling Language and Web 3D Technologies, Paderborn, Germany, 23-26
Feb 1999. See in particular:
Workshop on Educational Applications of VRML
- Avatars 98
FwSymposiumWorld Symposium on Network Media. Paris 1-5 March 1999
First International Workshop on Usability Evaluation For Virtual
Environments: Methods, Results And Future Directions, 17 December 1998, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
VWsim'99, San Francisco, 17-20 January 1999.
- Virtual Humans, June 16-17 98, Los Angeles.
(Virtual Reality Software and Technology) (ACM's annual Virtual Reality confernce) Tawan '98
- Human Computer Interaction '98, Sheffield, UK
Ninth European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
- Virtual Worlds 98 (Paris, July 1-3 1998)
Collaborative Virtual Environments '98, Manchester, 17-19 June 1998.
- WET ICE'97 Workshop on
Distributed System Aspects of Sharing a Virtual Reality 18-20th June, 1997, MIT, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA
- Creative
Collaboration in Virtual Communities '97. Building scenarios for Computer Mediated Collaboration, Sydney,
14-15 Feb 97
- Earth to Avatars!
(E2A) (San Francisco, oct 26-27. 1996). See also the
full list of the "Contact Consortium" events.
- CHI 96 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)
- Use and design of MUDs
for serious purposesA one-day workshop at CSCW96 - November 16th, Boston, Ma
- Call for papers for a publication based on the theme of the
Composition in Cyberspace Conference
Collaborative Virtual Environments 1996 (CVE'96) (Nottingham, Sept 19-20 96)
- Proceedings of
The Eighth ACM Conference on Hypertext (Hypertext '97, Southhampton, UK). Real papers on-line!
- HypertextNow (the 8th hypertext conference, Southampton April 6-11)
Workshop: Virtual Environments and the WWW. Papers are are available in raw form and within a
WOO documentation system.
- Fifth International
Conference on Cyberspace (Madrid, June 6-9 96)
- Collaboration in
Virtual Environments - Methods and Experiences (Workshop at the The
Fourth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- the doors
of perception 3 conference (VR oriented)
- The International
Workshop on CSCW and the Web
European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and
Services (mostly technical issues)
Cyberstar'95 (A competition on interactive concepts)
Workshop on Simulation and Interaction in Virtual Environments
VResources Monthly VR LIVE Conferences
- New Media
in Criminology
- Mastère en réalité virtuelle
distribuée ENIB/Brest
- The
Virtual Society (MIT Media Lab MAS 965 course)
- Digital
Communities: Urban Planning and Design in Cyberspace, MIT, 4.207/11.955, a graduate seminar being offered by the
Department of Urban Studies and Planning and the Department of
Architecture. Voir aussi:
The Reading List. (dead link)
- Hypermedia &
Virtual Reality, a Chris Hand class at DMU, UK.
CS6364 Hypermedia -- Spring 1996 a James D.Foley and
Andreas Dieberger class at Georgia Tech. See in particular the
reading materials.
Identity and the Internet (STS 065,Spring 1995) by
Prof Sherry Turkle, Program in Science, Technology and Society, MIT.
- The "Fall
Collaboration Project" An initiative by Prof. Ken Schweller (Buena Vista University) See
in particular:
"Suggested Readings"
- Digital
Communities: Urban Planning and Design in Cyberspace. This is the home page for 4.207/11.955, a graduate seminar being
offered by the Department of
Urban Studies and Planning and the Department of
Architecture in the School of Architecture and
Planning at MIT. The class will be offered during the fall semester of
1994. See also:
The Reading List.
- CMC Course
Web Page Example of a 1994 course on Computer-Mediated Communication given
at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
- 6.805/STS085: Ethics and
Law on the Electronic Frontier An other MIT course 97/98
- Sociology
285k/197h The Sociology Of Cyberspace Spring 1993 (broken link!) by Peter Kollock & Marc Smith,
The Center for the Study of Online Community, UCLA.
- The
Sociology of Cyberspace by L. Salamini and Jim Brazell,
Department of Sociology, Bradley University.
- MIT 21W785 Communicating in
A number of 2/3D virtual worlds have come into existence lately. Some
are extensions to VRML, some really proprietary. Judging from the time
it takes to look at their www pages, those things will be popular
Alternatively there are also several "virtual campus" software that
are rather groupware oriented.
This section is not very complete. It's a real pain updating
commercial links every few month.
- Meme is an open and non-proprietary standard for VR on the net. Meme is
now available for free, with all source code. Meme comes with
Metatopia, a multi-user virtual universe. It can be downloaded from
http://metatopia.sourceforge.net/ (windows only?)
- There are others ... I know
Either chat/News or 3D/graphics oriented. Both kinds usually market
themselves as "community building tools" [needs updating]
- Virtual Worlds group Organization and software sponsored by Microsoft Reasearch (good,
but Win 98+, NT+ only)
- World's Chat One of the leaders of commercial 3D Worlds. Smooth graphics and
good messaging features. Worth a visit. No trial client or server
available. (Maybe no server at all).
- Active Worlds. Same kind as above.
But 30-day DEMO/trial / 8 users version available (Solaris /
- DonnyWorld Quote: " Dynamic action content solution for Internet Service
Way cooler than conventional chat systems!
User-controlled characters interact with world objects in real
Automatically synchronized, distributed world databases.
Blazingly fast animation even over 14400 bps dial-up links!
Easily add objects, world spaces...applications limited only by
your imagination! Flexible, scalable client-server architecture."
DEMO version available (Win95/NT)..
- Wyndhaven/Intermoo Quote: " InterMOOTM technology makes Wyndhaven and its associated
courseware entirely user-extensible. It supports constructionist
pedagogy and empowers educators to develop their own lessons on the
- Ichat Quote: "chat (pronounced I - chat) was founded to expand the
functionality and uses of real-time chat systems on the Internet.
First, through the ichat client which makes access to existing Internet
chat systems easy by providing an integrated access tool with an easy
to use graphical user interface. And through the ichat server, which
makes it possible to run a real-time chat server and to integrate it
with a World Wide Web site."
Free clients, no trial server ??
- Intel had something that now seems to be dead, here is a quote: "Moondo
is a Windows* application that lets you visit 3D multi-user virtual
worlds and create your own virtual worlds for others to visit. Moondo
features VRML rooms and avatars, audio chat, personally-created
avatars, multiple views of the virtual world, and URL-based browsing of
distributed Moondo servers world-wide".
- The Palace - Used to be biggest 2D server vendor (standard clients are free).
It's well working technology. I don't know if server software is free
now. This company is dead since 1999 (I think), but there is still a
community: practise
- WellEngaged A chat/conferencing system provider (server, client (?), hosting)
Seems to have sold the system to some important corporations.
- eShare. A other major player in the conferencing/chat buisness. Trial
versions available (Solairs / Win95/NT)
- Worlds Away Quotes: "Combining the social dimension of chat services with the
graphic dimension of multiplayer games, WorldsAway allows thousands of
CompuServe members in the U.S., Europe, Japan and 150 countries
worldwide, to meet, interact and join together in building a virtual
community. [...] WorldsAway users can create and control their own
on-line animated identities -- called avatars -- and take part in a
variety of in-world events and activities. [...] WorldsAway is built on
a distributed object-oriented technology which allows for a limitless
addition of both users and WorldsAway regions. " - Access to a worlds
away world cost money.
- Virtual Places Quotes: " Virtual Places is an architecture for a world-wide
cyberspace. This cyberspace consists of shared spaces distributed over
the Internet. In these shared spaces, information and people come
together" ... The Virtual Places family of products transforms any
Internet data server, such as the World Wide Web (WWW), from a static
repository of information to a network of shared interactive spaces.
This means that Web pages, and other Universal Resource Locators
(URLs), become addressable, persistent, and inhabitable locations where
people can meet, share content, and communicate in real time via voice
or text." Now bought by Lotus Notes... will become "Sametime".
- Superscape's
Hounted House. Quote " Superscape VR plc and Black Sun Interactive are proud to
present the Haunted House, an exciting new multi-user 3D world
integrating Superscape's Viscape and Black Sun's Internet community
- Onlive's showcase 3D world:
Utopia. (used to have a proprietry format, but is moving towards full
VRML 97 ?)
- CVW . CVW is a collaboration software environment that provides a
"virtual building" where teams can communicate, collaborate, and share
information, regardless of their geographic location. CVW takes virtual
meetings one step further and enables virtual co-location through
persistent virtual rooms, each incorporating people, information, and
tools appropriate to a task, operation, or service. MOO- based, still
alive in 2001 at CVW.sourceforge
- OZ Quote: "OZ develops Internet software and applications that enable
real-time collaborative communications in shared spaces on the
Internet. Leveraging our leading-edge technology with a strong focus on
creative content production, we offer advanced solutions for the
Business Communications, Entertainment and Education markets". A
company that has an almost VRML-like solution. High quality 3D and
streaming it seems. Free client , don't know about trial servers.
- BioMOO's "add-on": Quote from Erice Mercer: "If you have a
reasonably sophisticated browser (like Netscape with the WebFX plug-in)
you can quickly switch between VRML and web views of a room. All VRML
scenes are generated on the fly, reflecting real conditions in the MOO.
Objects can be given VRML shapes by users, else they appear as simple
geometric shapes.
This VRML system was built by me on top of the BioWeb system for
MOOs that Gustavo Glusman, Jaime Prilusky, Paul Hansen and I wrote.
We're modifying it now to incorporate the wonderful enhancements of
1.8.0 but it should be available soon. Don't bother writing because
we'll announce it here [in the MOO Cows list] first. At that time you
can figure out how it works for yourself by getting the package. It's
designed to be easily installed in any preexisting MOO."
- At some point MOOndo (see above) was supposed to that, but then it
did not.
- WAX Web. Edited Quote from Tom
Meyer: I've been running a MOO [..] outputing VRML for about a year now
(Waxweb, first web server of any kind to be serving up VRML), [...] but
have not been that pleased by how suitable MOO is for VRML. I now
generate VRML files on the fly from an http-speaking MOO server. Before
I added in VRML support, the server worked quite well. Since the VRML
files are roughly ten times larger than the HTML files that describe
the room, that caused enormous slow-downs in the MOO. [..] I'm very
interested in combining the ideas in MOOs and VRML, but feel that
generating VRML on the fly in an interpreted language doesn't scale
very well, especially when the OODB that's generating it was designed
for small, rapid (interactive) updates." See his home page for more
- (Electric Communities) The folks who programmed Lucas Habitat and Worlds Away. - See
the E Extensions to Java. Quote: "E is an extension to Java that adds message-based
optimistic computation and capability-based security features. [....] E
defines a new family of objects, called E-objects, in contrast to
ordinary Java objects. In addition to obeying all the rules of regular
Java objects (which they ultimately are), E-objects can communicate by
message passing. References to E-objects can be passed across the
This category refers to more traditional groupware techniques. Some
products/systems are built with HTML forms and cgi-scripts, others on
top of products like Lotus Notes, others use db technology and Java
applets. Some include streaming media.
6.7.1 Standards
- IEEE has a Learning Technology Standards Committee (P1484) with a lot
of working groups. Most of their output are Word Documents (!) defing
datatypes. Some is very complex stuff. Also available: PPT slides and
minutes, no XML but there ought to be :). Note that there is also an
ISO group (what do they do ??).
- LTSA Home Page the IEEE P1484.1 Architecture and Reference Model Working Group.
Interesting LTSA Draft spec (1999)
6.7.2 Indexes, Evaluation, etc.
6.7.3 Commercial Systems
- TopClass (used to be WEST). PC/Mac/Solaris. A lite version demo (up to 4
people/120 days) is free.
- FirstClass and First
Class collaborative classroom PC/Mac (A 60 days evaluation package is available)
- Hyperwave Elearning Suite free for academics (who offer free courses)
- WebCT. Runs on most platforms. Free evaluation copies (course creation
- Campus Pipeline Inc.'s " Web platform links existing campus systems to new tools and Web
applications allowing schools to leverage current investments in
technology and bring all current and future Web applications together
in one place" (not tested)
- LearningSpace A Lotus product
- COSE "Creation of Study Environments"
- Virtual-U Virtual-U is an online software system which allows universities
and organiaztions to offer their courses online. Developed at Simon
Fraser University. Solaris. Free 5-month trial.
- NetCoach Common Lisp Hypermedia Server based based on
ELM-ART and and related
projects. A similar system is
- CourseInfojoined blackboard (below)
- Blackboard Software products for hosting "virtual" campuses, university
intranets and on-line corporate training environments.
- Web Course in A Box PC/Mac. Free for educational use.
- XLX Developper tools has more of these.
6.7.4 Non-commercial systems
6.7.5 Computer mangaged instruction systems
6.7.6 Components (not just educational)
See also the section on Groupware...
- The Pueblo MUD Client - Quote: "The Pueblo internet client is a multimedia game system
which works with existing MUDs and media formats. We are distributing
the beta version free. Pueblo can display 2D (GIF, JPEG, BMP) and 3D
graphics (VRML), music (MIDI), audio (WAV), hypertext (HTML), and plain
See mostly all the rest of this page too :)
- Maverik a free software system supporting VR applications (most platforms
+ OpenGL)
- VR Juggler object-oriented framework for the development of virtual reality
See other places, e.g.
Web Environments on Source forge
- BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work) enables collaboration over
the Web. BSCW is a 'shared workspace' system which supports document
upload, event notification, group management and much more.
- http://www.slashcode.com/to build your own Slashdot-like site :)
- Eridu Opensource Web-Based Groupware. Outlook like they claim
- PHProjekt PHProjekt is a modular application for the coordination of group
activities and to share informations and document via intranet and
internet. Needs php4 and MySQL
- CVS can be used to build content management systems
- Zope
- phpGroupware.org Promising project, beta status (3/2001)
- Mozilla is a platform with groupware potential. Check
modzdev once in a while
- Internet Office A Commercial groupware suite (33 features)
- QuickTeam an other groupeware suite
- CollabNet provides several solutions for the collaborative software economiy
- ... many others :)
- MtNews. Forum system with some information portal features
- Discus A popular free discussion (news) system
- At Tecfa we use either NNTP, HyperNews, and a PHP/MySQL Forum
called Phorum
- WWW Threads ($100 education use, $200 commercial), free version with less
features available
- LoudMouth
Discussion Forum
Jump to: EduVR Page | VRML Pointers | EuroAIED VR &
VLE session
see also:
Collaboration & Space in Virtual Environments Pointers (stuff i am collecting right now for a research project, 9/97).
D.K.S.Modified: 01-Nov-2004 |