English Classroom with Telecommunication



Résumé, summary

Only one computer and modem made telecommunication activity possible. The teacher became a member of an international computer network group, then he found a partner school. The teacher discussed with the principle of the partner school using computer network. They discussed about the topics that students might be interested in. For example, they chose the topics about school subjects, study habits, summer vacation, food, and flowers. The teacher also helped students make newspapers using information from American students. Therefore, not only the students who where involved in the telecommunication activity but their peers and parents became interested in the activity.

Discipline, subject :

anglais Englisch English Inglese english language

Public :

cycle d'orientation Sek I, BWK lower high school ciclo d'orientamento

Contacts :

Susono, Hitoshi

Japan Association for Promotion of Educational Technology, 6-35-1 Kagurazaka, Shinjyuku-ku

Tel : 03-3269-5231
Mail :
Fax : 03-3269-5232

Pédagogie, pedagogy :

Telecommunication activities help students develop their language skills and international points of view. Not only students but the teacher could be interested in the information from different countries. This information can also be shared with other classroom teachers, students, and parents.

Apprentissage, learning :

It takes time to communicate with people in foreign countries by mail, and it costs a lot to communicate with them by phone. The quick responses using computers motivate students' writing and reading activities.

Enseignement, teaching :

The teacher needs to find a partner school for the telecommunication activity. The teacher also needs to encourage students to choose topics which students in both countries may be interested in.

Technique :

We needed to install "CCT 98," which is a NEC network software, and "Ichitaro," which is a word processing software. We also needed to link the modem to the computer used to send/receive mail. We practiced the telecommunication activity inside Japan first, then did the international telecommunication activity.

Société, society :

Students developed a sense of "Global Citizenship." They realized that the distance among nations became shorter in this information age.

Culture :

Students found many differences between the U.S. and Japan. Although the students had much information about U. S. the from television, they could get more detailed information from real persons in the United States.

Institution :

If there is one computer, this activity can be done. The teacher needs to be available for help and for questions.

Logistique :

The students need to be able to communicate in basic English.

Remarques, remarks :

Even if there is not enough budget for computing activities, telecommunication activity can be done. Only one computer helps students communicate with people in other countries. The students learn the importance of using computers.