Hello Network Contest



Résumé, summary

"Hello Network Contest" is an e-mail simulation activity. The students can communicate with each other using the computers which are connected. Two students made a group and pretended to be an operator in a foreign country. After they sent an opening message to other computers, the contest started. The objective of the contest was to contact as many operators as possible. For example, when the Tokyo operator wanted to contact one in London, he/she had to type "Hello, London. This is Tokyo." Then they talked with each other using basic English sentences. Finally he/she closed the conversation with the sentence "Good-bye, London. This is Tokyo." Then the operator received one point. The group who received the most points became the winner and received a certificate of merit. The students could use some vocabulary and sentences which were taught in the classroom during the activity. They also developed positive attitudes toward communicating in English.

Discipline, subject :

anglais Englisch English Inglese english language

Public :

cycle d'orientation Sek I, BWK lower high school ciclo d'orientamento

Contacts :

Oono, Michisuke

Japan Association for Promotion of Educational Technology, 6-35-1 Kagurazaka, Shinjyuku-ku

Tel : 03-3269-5231
Mail :
Fax : 03-3269-5232

Pédagogie, pedagogy :

The students can actually use some English vocabulary and sentences during this e-mail simulation activity. They develop their positive attitude toward communicating in English.

Apprentissage, learning :

This e-mail simulation activity can be done without using computers. However, the students are more motivated to do the activity with computers because they can receive the immediate feedback through the computer. They can win the contest if they make contact with many students during this activity. This game type environment also motivates their learning.

Enseignement, teaching :

This e-mail simulation activity helps to develop the student's interest and desire to learn English. The teacher is a guide for the activity rather than an instructor.

Technique :

We used software called "R-mail" on PC computers. These computers were linked; therefore, the students can do the e-mail simulation activity with their peers in the classroom.

Société, society :

Two students made a group and did the activity cooperatively.

Culture :

Institution :

We needed to reserve the computer lab for the activity. After each computer was connected, the students sent and received messages each other in the lab environment.

Logistique :

The students need to be able to communicate in very basic English.

Remarques, remarks :

The students learned that there were many ways to communicate with other people, and that the computer was one of the valuable tools in communications.