Bibliographie du Centre de Ressources

Les articles sont classés par thèmes.

Bibliographie introductive:

Approche "Cognitiviste"

Procédures, automatisation

Anderson, J.R. & Corbett, A. (1992). Acquisition of LISP Programming Skill. In S.C. Chipman & Meyrowitz, Foundations of Knowledge Acquisition: Cognitive Models of Complex Learning. Boston: Kluwer Press.

Ecriture et traitement de texte

Ransdell, S. & Levy M. (1994). Writing as Process and Product : The Impact of Tool, Genre, Audience, Knowledge, and Writer Expertise. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol 10, N° 4, pp 511-527.

V.L. Zammuner (1995). Individual and Cooperative computer-writing and revising: Who gets the best results ? Learning and Instruction, vol24, n°2, 101-124.

Lecture, hypertextes et compréhension.

Caro, S. (1995). La mémorisation de l'information en fonction de la mise en forme matérielle sur support électronique. Thèse de doctorat. Université de Grenoble.

Tricot, A. (1995). Un point sur l'ergonomie des interfaces hypermédias. Le travail Humain, vol. 58, n°1, 17-45.

Shin, E.C. Schallert, D.L. Savenye. W.C. (1994). Effects of Learner control, Advisment and Prior Knowledge on Young Student's Learning in a Hypertext environment. ETR&D, vol 42, N° 1, 1994.

Représentations spatiales et apprentissage

Kulhavy, R. W. et al (1993) . Why maps Improve Memory for text: the influence of structural information on Working Memory Operations. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, vol 5 (4), 375-392.

Compétences représentationnelles et médias

Marks Greenfield, P. (1993). Representational competence in shared symbol systems: Electronic Media from radio to Video Games. In R. Cocking and K. Renninger (Eds), The development and meaning of Psychological Distance. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

McCarthy, J. & Monk, A. (1994). Mesuring the quality of computer-mediated communication. Behavior and Information Technology, Vol. 13, N° 5, 311-319.

Micro-mondes, transfert, métacognition

De Corte, E.; Verschaffel, L. Schrooten H. (1994). Cognitive effects of Learning to program in Logo: a one year study with sixt graders. In E. de Corte and H. Mandl, Computer-based learning environments and problem solving. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Brehmer, B. and Dörner D. (1993). Experiments with Computer-Simulated Microworls: Escaping both the narrow straits of the Laboratory and the deep blue sea of the field study. Computers in Human Behavior, vol 9, pp. 171-184.

Salomon, G. (1992). Effects with and of computers and the study of computer-based learning environments. In E. de Corte and H. Mandl, Computer-based learning environments and problem solving. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Résolution de problèmes, acquisition de schémas

Nathan, Kintsch & Young (1992). A theory of Algebra-Word-Problem Comprehension and its Implications for the Design of Learning Environments. Cognition and Instruction, Vol 9, N° 4, pp. 329-389.

Sweller, J. (1988). Cognitive load during problem solving: effects on learning. Cognitive Science, vol. 12, 257-285.

Approche "Cognitive Tools"

Kommers, P. Jonassen, J.T. Mayes (1992). Cognitive Tools for Learning. NATO ASI Series. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Neuman, D. (1993). Designing Databases as Tools for Higher-Level Learning: Insights from Instructional System Design. ETR & D, Vol, 41, N°4, pp. 25-46.

Reusser, K. (1993) Tutoring systems and Pedagogical Theory: representational Tools for understanding, planning and refllection in problem solving. In S. Lajoie & S. Derry (eds) Computers as cognitive tools. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Approche "Didactique"


Balacheff, N. (1993). Didactique et Intelligence artificielle. In Didactique et Intelligence Artificielle. Grenoble: La Pensée Sauvage.

Sciences formelles: mathématiques, physique, ...

Hodgson, B.R. (1995). The roles and needs of Mathematics teachers using IT. In D. Watson and D. Tinsley (Eds), Integrating Information Technology into Education (27-38). London: Chapman & Hall.

Cornu, B. (1992). L'évolution des Mathématiques et de leur enseignement. In: B. Cornu (Ed), L'ordinateur pour enseigner les Mathématiques (13-69). Paris: P.U.F.

Laborde, C. and Laborde, J.M. (1995). The Case of Cabri-géomètre: learning geometry in a computer-based environment. In D. Watson and D. Tinsley (Eds), Integrating Information Technology into Education (95-106). London: Chapman & Hall.

Nicaud, J.F. (1994). Building ITSs to be used: lessons learned from the APLUSIX project. In B. Lewis and P. Mendelsohn (Eds). Lessons from Learning (181-198). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Saariluoma P. (1994). Transforming verbal description into mathematical formulas in spreadsheet calculation. International Journal of Human Computer Studies. 41, 915-948.

Reusser, K. (1993). Tutoring Systems and Pedagogical Theory: Representational Tools for Understandin, planning and Reflection in Problem Solving. In S.P. Lajoie and S. J. Derry (Eds) Computer as cognitive tools. Hillsdale (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum.

Healy, L., Pozzi, S. and Hoyles, C. (1995). Making sense of groups, computers and Mathematics. Cognition and Instruction, 13, (4), 505-523.

Sciences du langage: Langues premières, langue seconde, ...

Sciences expérimentales: biologie, physique expérimentale, ...

Evaluation des Environnements d'Apprentissage

Reiser R.A. (1994). Evaluating Instructional Software: A review and critique of current Methods. ETR & D, Vol 42, N° 3, pp. 63-69.

Approche "Instructional Design"


Merriënboer, J.; Jelsma, O.; Paas F. (1992) Training for Reflective Expertise: A Four-Component Instructional Design Model for Complex Cognitive Skills. ETR & D, Vol 40, N° 2, pp. 23-43.

Instructional Design versus Constructivisme

Lebow, D. (1993). Constructivist value for Instructional Systems Design: Five principles toward a new Mindset. ETR & D, vol. 41, pp.4-16.

Rieber, L. P. ( 1992) Computer-based Microworlds: A bridge Between Constructivism and Direct Instruction. ETR & D, vol. 40. pp 93-106.

Merriënboer, J.; Jelsma, O.; Paas F. (1992) Training for Reflective Expertise: A Four-Component Instructional Design Model for Complex Cognitive Skills. ETR & D, Vol 40, N° 2, pp. 23-43.

Approche "situated learning"

Pea, R. (1993). Practices of distributed intelligence and designs for Education. Preprint.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992) The Jasper Experiment: An exploration of Issues in Learning and Instructional Design. ETR & D, Vol 40, N° 1, pp 65-80.

Young, M.F. (1993) Instructional Design for situated learning. ETR & D vol. 41, pp. 43-58.

Approche "Intelligent Tutoring Systems"

Seidel, R.J. & Park, O.C. (1994) An historical perspective and a model for Evaluation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Journal of Educational Computing Research, vol. 10, N° 2, pp.104-128.

Dillenbourg, P., Mendelsohn, P., Schneider, D. & Borcic, B. (1994). Intelligent Learning Environments. Final report PNR 23.

Nathan, M.N. & Young, E. (1992) A theory of Algebra-Word-Problem Comprehension and its Implications for the Design of Learning Environments.

Approche "Cognitive Apprenticeship"

Collins, A., Brown, J.S., & Newman, S.E. (1989). Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crfts of reading, writing, and arithmetic. In L.B. Resnick (Ed), Knowing, learning, and instruction: Essays in honor of Robert Glaser, (pp. 453-494). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Casey, C. (1996). - Incorporating cognitive apprenticeship in Multi-Media. ETR&D, vol. 44, N° 1, pp. 71-84.

Hypertextes et Apprentissage


Tricot, A. (1995). Un point sur l'ergonomie des interfaces hypermédias. Le travail Humain, vol. 58, n°1, 17-45.
Une revue de question assez bien documentée et en français sur les problèmes posés par la navigation et la conception des hypertextes.

Landow, G.P.(1989). Hypertext and Collaborative Work: The example of Intermedia. In Galeger, Kraut & Egido, Intellectual Teamwork: social and technical foundations of cooperative work. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Landow, G.P.(1990). Popular Fallacies about Hypertext. In Jonassen & Mandl Designing Hypertext / Hypermedia for Learning. Heildelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Ces 2 articles sont ecrits par un pionnier des hypertextes distribués: Intermedia existait bien avant le WWW. Cet environnement est utilisé pour enseigner l'histoire et la poésie à l'Université de Brown (NY). Un bonne partie de ce que raconte Landow depuis dix ans n'a pas perdu de son actualité.


Kommers, P. Scenarios for the development of Educational Hypermedia, ETTI, 30, 3, 234-253.


Jonassen, D.H. & Wang, S. (1993) Acquiring Structural Knowledge from semantically Structured Hypertext. Journal of Computer-based Instruction, vol. 20, N°1, 1-8.

Shin, E.C. Schallert, D.L. Savenye. W.C. (1994). Effects of Learner control, Advisment and Prior Knowledge on Young Student's Learning in a Hypertext environment. ETR&D, vol 42, N° 1, 1994.

Jacobson, M.J., Maouri, C., Mishra, P. & Kolar, C. (1995) Learning with Hypertext Learning Environments: Theory, Design, and Research. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, vol 4, 4, 321-364.

Jacobson, M.J.& Spiro, R.J.(1995) Hypertext Learning Environments, Cognitive Flexibility, and the Transfer of Complex Knowledge: An empirical Investigation. Journal of educational computing research, 12,4,301-333.
Une série d'articles expérimentaux pour aborder la problématique de l'apprentissage à travers les hypertextes. Celui de Jacobson, Maouri et al est particulièrement complet et offre une bonne synthèse théorique.

DIDACTIQUE et Hypertextes

Swan K. (1994). History, Hypermedia, and Criss-Crossed Conceptual Landscapes. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, vol 3, 2, 120-154.


On peut aussi consulter la bibliographie commentée établie par des étudiants de l'Université du Minnesota qui concerne surtout les problèmes d'écriture électronique Electronic Texts: selective annoted bibliography

Patrick Mendelsohn