Swiss Workshop on Collaborative and Distributed systems

Lausanne, Friday May 2nd 1997

EPFL, Dept de Microtechnique, Room C022

Registration: 100 SFR. (50 SFR for SGAICO members and students) will be paid on site.

REGISTER by sending a simple email to

How to get there?


8 H 30: Introduction
9.00 - 10.30 Theme 1a:

Collaboration between artificial agents (fundamentals)

Coordinator: J.-P- Muller

Tea Break
11.00 - 12.30 Theme 1b:

Collaboration between artificial agents (applications)

Coordinator: B. Faltings

14.00 - 15.30 Theme 3:

Human-computer collaboration

Coordinator: P. Pu

Tea Break
16.00 - 17.30 Theme 4:

Computer-supported collaboration (CSCW-CSCL)

Coordinator: P. Dillenbourg

Vin d'honneur