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  4. Module installation and initialisation

4. Module installation and initialisation

PN provides an interface to initialise, activate/deactivate or remove a module (it's SQL tables) and the files that contribute to this are: "pntables.php" et "pninit.php".

4.1 Describe all SQL tables in "pntables.php" file

In this file, there is a function that fills in a PN core array called "pntable" with the name of all the tables used in a module and their fields

(example below: table "pn_joinproject_members" with 4 fields)

function joinproject_pntables() {
    // Initialise table array
    $pntable = array();
    // Get the name for the template item table.
    $members = pnConfigGetVar('prefix') . '_joinproject_members';
    // Set the table name
    $pntable['joinproject_members'] = $members;
    // Set the column names.
    $pntable['joinproject_members_column'] = 
array('memberid'   => $members . '.memberid',
      'projid'     => $members . '.projid',
      'membername' => $members . '.membername',
      'accepted'   => $members . '.accepted');
    // Return the table information
    return $pntable; }

4.2 Create or delete SQL tables inside "pninit.php" file

There are 2 functions : init() and delete()

Inside init() we create the tables needed by the module inside the PN database, by calling simple SQL queries

function joinproject_init() {
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $memberstable = $pntable['joinproject_members'];
    $memberscolumn = &$pntable['joinproject_members_column'];
    $sql1 = "CREATE TABLE $memberstable (
            $memberscolumn[memberid] tinyint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
            $memberscolumn[projid] tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '',
            $memberscolumn[membername] varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
            $memberscolumn[accepted] tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
            PRIMARY KEY(memberid))";
    // Check for an error with the database code, and if so set an
    // appropriate error message and return
    if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _CREATETABLEFAILED);
        return false;


Inside delete() we delete the SQL tables, that are connected to the module, from the PN database, applying the SQL query: "DROP TABLE"

function joinproject_delete()
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $sql1 = "DROP TABLE $pntable[joinproject_members]";
    // Check for an error with the database code, and if so set an
    // appropriate error message and return
    if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _DROPTABLEFAILED);
        return false;
    // Deletion successful
    return true;

4.3 Test (and verify the SQL tables inside the DB !)

Administration -> Modules -> List -> "MyModule" ->


