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Problems and present needsDifficultés et besoins actuels

Though this organization has, over the years, grown and developed quite a bit, we do not think that SGCP will ever be sustainable until our governement fully commets itself to rehabilitate cerebral palsy cases in Nepal. Till then, il will be dependent on technical an financial support from outside. It is clear that cp cases, the hardest hit target group within the disability population, do no come within the priorities of the government. The basic problems confronted by this origanisation for the treatment and rehabilitation of cp cases are listed below :
  • Sustainability of the programmes run by SGCP. Till now, the programmes are implemented through the organisations mentioned en "Donors and financials resources".
  • Acute shortage of technical man-power essential for programme implementation
  • Non-availability of trainers to conduct short term training for the personnels of SGCP
  • Inappropriate and inadequate physical facilities for helping cp cases (as the programmes are housed in rented buildings)
  • Low salary and little benefits to the SGCO personnels

For a few years to come, we need to address ourselves to solve the above problems with dedication and earnesty. The present urgent needs of the organisation are mentioned below :

  • A good plot of land just outside the Ring Road to build physical facilities for SGCP activities
  • Fund raising for the construction of physical facilities with acceptable internationa standards
  • Scholarships for training courses in physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, counselling and construction of aids
  • A fairly regular financial source for meeting the running cost of the on-going programmes of SGCP
  • Opportunities for up-lifting and updating the technical skill of the personnels