Tecfa Workshop September 12th - 14th 2001

Some pictures
the workshop


Theme 1: Mixed reality and other HCI trends

The disappearing computer, the less and less clear boundary between virtual space and physical space, is social navigation only useful for one-line shops, … what's up in HCI?

Paul Dourish
[University of California Irvine]
Hot trends in HCI
Jeremy Goslin
The Magic Cube
Morten Fjeld
[IHA, ETH Zurich]
Usability aspects of tangible interaction
[PowerPointPresentation] [Handouts.pdf] [video CHI 2000 - 60 Mb -]
Luc Girardin
Complex data visualisation
Elia de Iaco
Single Display Groupware : Multiple mice
Mireille Betrancourt

Theme 2: Next virtual campuses

Most e-Learning platforms are more or less similar: document management, quizz editors, learner management systems, What else should be provided in future e-learning platforms? Most current fuss is about standards, what about innovation?

Daniel Schneider
Community Portals
Diego Corti
Grounding and learning with a collaborative reading tool
[WebPage in Flash]
Synteta Paraskevi
XML for project-based learning
[PowerPointPrensentation] [draft.doc] [draft.pdf]
Fabrice Joye
Daniel Peraya

Nathalie Deschryver
Project 'Learn-Nett' & 'Recre@Sup'
[PowerPointPresentation] [Learn-Nett WebLink] [Learn-Nett archives (documents, articles)] [Recre@sup WebLink]
Daniel Peraya

Theme 3: Distributed teams

When you split a team over different geographical area, it will soon became two teams, even if the people get phones, email, chats, video, … all current technologies. Why? They loose informal and contextual communication tools. What does that cover? Could new technologies partly help?

Paul Dourish
[University of California Irvine]
Supporting Distributed Teams: Managing Shared Understandings
Stefano Mastrogiacomo
[Pictet & Cie]
Around his PhD on asynchronous awareness tools
François Lombard
Spéciation allopatrique
Martha Maznevski
High Performance from Global Virtual Teams
[PowerPointPresentation] [References]
Maznevski, M.L., & Chudoba, K.M. 2000. Bridging space over time: Global virtual team dynamics and effectiveness. Organization Science, 11(5): 473-792.

DiStefano, J.J. & Mazneski, M.L. 2000. Creating value with diverse teams in global management. Organizational Dynamics, 29(1): 45-63.

Laure Carles
Around her PhD on distributed teams
Piritta Salo
[University of Oulu]
An individual's contribution to the networked collaboration
Charline Poirier
[Pictet & Cie]

Theme 4: North-South links

Tecfa receives an increasing number of requests for collaboration with developing or less rich countries. This could be perceived as non-sense, as some of these countries should have higher order priorities. This could also be an opportunity for them to access to knowledge more easily than by leaving their country… What useful can we do in this area?

Barbara Class
Project 'Dutice'
Anouk Berger
Project 'Universanté'
[Universanté WebLink] [PowerPointPresentation]
Bengt Kayser

Workshop organised by Pierre Dillenbourg [TECFA]
Page modified by eDi - septembre 2001 -