PROLOG sources

Title of project:
Implicit coordination in distributed systems

Partners: Pierre Dillenbourg (TECFA), Ion Dumitrache (POLITEHNICA), Catalin Buiu (POLITEHNICA),
Cristian Ceconvciuc (POLITEHNICA)

qextract1.txt: example for how the 'extract' function is working (it's about facts and goals extracting from the MOO answers);
qextract2.txt: another example for how the 'extract' function is working (it's about facts and goals extracting from the MOO answers);
support.txt: different functions which are used by agents:
         extrf(X,XX) - facts extractor from "somthing&fact1&fact2..." string (answer from the MOO send it by MOO);
         extrg(X,XX) - goals extractor from "somthing$fact1$fact2..." string (answer from the MOO send it by MOO);
         extra(X,XX) - facts extractor from "somthing~fact1~fact2..." string (answer from the MOO send it by the other agent);
         filterunderscore(X,Q) - convert "word1_word2" string in "word1 word2" string (useful for issuing commands like 'look ski_jacket', this command finnaly is 'look ski jacket');
herc.txt: the main program for Hercule, where is the main cycle;
sher.txt: the main program for Sherlock, where is the main cycle;
fchain_h.txt: 'think' function (who apply the rules) and 'qloopread' function (who read from the MOO via socket) for Hercule;
fchain_s.txt: 'think' function (who apply the rules) and 'qloopread' function (who read from the MOO via socket) for Sherlock;
ru_com_h.txt: communication rules from Hercule;
ru_com_s.txt: communication rules from Sherlock;
ru_str_h.txt: strategy rules from Hercule;
ru_str_s.txt: strategy rules from Sherlock;
ru_mys_h.txt: solve mystery rules from Hercule;
ru_mys_s.txt: solve mystery rules from Sherlock;
answers.txt: answers simulation from the MOO;
fact_h.txt: facts knows apriori by Hercule (like rooms, suspects, victim, etc.)
fact_s.txt: facts knows apriori by Sherlock (like rooms, suspects, victim, etc.)

Cristian Ceconvciuc  

Last updated: Dec. 16, 1997