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Ethnography and Education in the States: a Tentative Mapping (L'éthnographie en éducation aux Etats Unis: une première cartographie); by Y. Winkin, Professor at the Liège University, Director of the Anthropology of Communication Laboratory (Laboratoire d'Anthropologie de la communication);
Brief Summary
The paper wants to sketch the development of the "ethnography in education" in the United States in the 70's and 80's, arguing that this pole of research deserves to be better known in Europe. In order to lay out what is called in the paper an "intellectual landscape", data are tapped from the conference "Ethnography and Education: Children In and Out of School",, which was held in April 1979 at the Graduate School of Education of the University of Pennsylvania. The conference gathered three types of participants: teachers and heads of school, education officials, research scholars (anthropologists, linguists, educational psychologists). Even Margaret Mead was present. A close-up analysis of the debates, publics and institutional context of the conference offers a tangible approach to the study of the actors and the ideas of the American "ethnography in education" landscape. As the saying goes: "Conferences are history of science in real time".
[Downloadable postscript version in French ]
Mailbox, Or The Importance Of Being In Quest: an ethnographic study of information and communication technologies in European schools; by R. Magli
Questioning the relationship between Computers and Power in School environments: An Ethnographic Approach; by R. Magli
(An abstract precedes the paper)
School Education in the Information Society,
Communication matters: learning at school in a wired world; by J. Jenkins
(An abstract precedes the paper)


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last update: 5.12.97; pdf