The FETICHE Project

(Formation des Enseignants aux Technologies de l'Information et de la

Communication : CHangements et Evolution.)



Background Information on Project Partners

The following partners are invilved in FETICHE:


Purpose and Objectives


A recognized need

The changes brought about by the technical and social mutations affects the education field directly concerning the professional practice of this profession and opening, in any case and - moreover, new potentials to be exploited. The characteristics of education today still correspond (at their best!) to what were the needs ofthe industrial system of the 60's and do not anticipate on the future needs of the InforrnationSociety. European educationnal systems and training organisations need therefore to transform the professionality of teachers and trainers.

The FETICHE project will consider different type ofUsers: the Final users (learners), the Interrnediary users (teachers, trainers, and personnel ofeducation and training institutions). What are the new competencies required? What new functions emerge from the re-combinationof these competencies? How do they collaborate together? How are they linked to the previoustradition al competenci es ? In order to allow learners to develop these abilities, both teachers and trainers need to acquire new training engineering abilities, namely the ability to design new learning environments inconformity with these new requirements. To acquire themselves these new training engineeringabilities they have to be involved in an acquisition process they can repeat and transpose withtheir students. By their characteristics the use of multimedia telematics facilities constitute a partof the answer to the re-engineering of professional teachers and trainers' operations.

The FETICHE project aims at re-engineering professional teachers and trainers' operations byimplementing the required professional characteristics using telematics demonstrators based on available technology. It will provide knowledge, experiments and tools for teacher education. More particular objectives can be described as follows:

Finally and globally, the project uses information and communication technologies for improving on theory and practice in teacher education, and for irnproving collaborative and cooperative learning in this area.


Project outcomes, products and dissemination of results

The following outcomes are expected:


Several pilot experiments will be implemented and validated during the project: they will be based on the use of stand alone devices (multimedia software), of resource centres, of video conferencing and on the telematics facilities for accessing information sources (databases) and it tries to use telematics and CMC for cooperative learning.

This is a central part of the project, since it aims at enhance the inter-relations between trainers and trainees at different levels. Cooperative learning is important both in teacher education and in training. Telematics makes it possible to develop new ways for collaborative learning. The pilot projects will make use of tele-conferencing, tele-seminars, tele-meetings focussed on learning. All activities will be organised in a collaborative way.

The main evaluation criterion of these experiments will be the quality of the learning, and the added value of the collaborative characteristics to the learning process.

The main users of the project will be of course teacher educators. Within the seven partner institutions, about 50 teacher/educators will be directly involved in the project, and the outcomes of the project will of course of benefit to the whole staff of the member institutions.

Dissemination of results will be ensured within the partner institutions by the actors of the project. Additionnally, each institutions in its country will, in turn, touch more local partners to share the experience and know-how acquired. For example in France, the IUFM of Grenoble is linked to 28 other teacher education institutions, and has special links with the IUFMs of Paris and Lyon in the field of ODL. So, in France, the globalitiy of teacher education institutions will be reached.


Project organisation & Methodology

A circular process will be systematically applied during the project. It is based on the following stages:

Most of the activity will be based on existing tools: their use and impact on the teachers' profession and on teacher education will be analysed.

Two main aspects of teacher education will be analysed:

Telematics and multimedia have a significant impact on the articulation between the theory and the practice of teachers' traning. I.e. it will allow a permanent link between trainers and trainees during their periods in schools ("permanent tele-conferencing"), or it will enhance and renovate the collaboration between "grass-roots" educators, professional tutors and university trainers.




Pierre Dunand Filliol, Raymond Morel


EC and OFES (Berne) for the Swiss participation.


Summer 1996 to the end of August 1997


For more information...

Write to Pierre Dunand or Raymond Morel

last update: 21.1.98