ICCAI 95 article


Pierre Dillenbourg is lecturer at the Educational Technology Unit (TECFA), Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva, Switzerland. He has conducted several research projects in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Education. His recent work focuses on collaborative learning and collaborative problem solving between a human and a machine.

Email: pdillen@divsun.unige.ch.

Daniel K. Schneider is a research associate at the Educational Technology Unit (TECFA), Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva, Switzerland. His curent research interest is computer mediated communication and information tools on the Internet.

moo:tecfamoo.unige.ch 7777 (aka Daniel)

Both authors are teaching in a new postgraduate diploma on educational technology using distance teaching methodology.

TECFA has its own WWW server at http://tecfa.unige.ch/. Descriptions of our main research lines, courses and a certain number of our publications are available.

ICCAI 95 article - 08 FEB 95

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