8. Appendix - MUDs - Towards large multi-user educational VR

The TecfaMOO

TecfaMOO Arrival Station
 /___  ___/                                Official Opening: around easter
    / /                                    Builders and Programmers Permits
   / /                                     will be issued                     
  /_/ ECFA MOO   Arrival Area                                              
  A Virtual Space for Educational Technology, Education, Resarch & Life
  at TECFA, School of Psychology & Education, University of Geneva    

  'go w' (for Visitor Information) 'go s' (Builder's Information)

  More information: http://tecfa.unige.ch/tecfamoo.html

You see Strange black dog here.
Guest is here.
Obvious Exits: Up (to Les Puces de Plainpalais), UC (to Underground Corridor), W (to Visitor Information), Up2 (to Transportation Center of Rond Point de Plainpalais), and S (to Underground Construction Office).

>@go atrium
The Tecfa Atrium
The Atrium of TECFA with its spring fountain is the place where TECFA
people can relax and talk about the latest advances in Educational
Technologies. Type a ROOM NUMBER to enter an room.
  +---------------------------o   o-----------------------------------+
  |11=Patrick     10=Francoise|   | UP<     26=Daniel   25=Pierre     |
  |   Mendelsohn     Schmitt  | N | DOWN>       Peraya     Dillenbourg|
  |                 o---------o   o---------------------------o       |
  |12=Meeting       |                           o-----------o |23=Fr. |
  |   Room          |                           |           | |Giezen |
  |                 |             (*)           |24 Seminar | |       |
  |                 |                           |   Room    | |       |
  |         o-------o                           |           | |       |
  |         |         The Atrium                o-----------o |       |
  |         o-------------------------o   o-------------------o       |
  |17=Daniel   18=Patrick  19=Sylvere |   |20=Boris                   |
  |   Schneider   Jermann     Martin-M| S |Borcic                     |
  +-----------------------------------o   o---------------------------+
You see Machine a Cafe and WWW-box here.

>look www
A laptop sized WWW display. Type help 'www-box' or 'help www' !
 'reset www' will reset - 'pick <n> on www' will display an item.
Remembered documents:

  [1] TECFA WWW home page
  [2] TECFA's WWW Home Page for Internal Use
  [3] Tecfa's page on educational MUDs
  [4] The TecfaMOO page
  [5] The TecfaMOO Manuel

The TecfaMOO
FLISH Slides - 27 MAR 95

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