tm xtm2html.css index.html xtm2html-ttypes.html xtm2html-masterindex.html # body { font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; } h1.header, h2.header { color: black; width: 100%; background: #cccccc; padding: 1ex; margin-top: 0.5ex; margin-bottom: 0.5ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } h1.accueil { color: blue; width: 100%; background: #dedede; padding: 1ex; text-align: center; margin-top: 0.5ex; margin-bottom: 0.5ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } div.topic { display: block; /* border-bottom: solid thick black; */ margin-top: 4ex; padding: 2ex; background: #eeeeee; } div.ttitle { color: maroon; width: 100% float: clear; background: #cccccc; padding: 1ex; margin-top: 0.5ex; margin-bottom: 0.5ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; border-right: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } div.topic-properties { display: block; background: #ddcccc; padding: 1ex; width: 45% margin-top: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; border-right: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } div.associations { display: block; background: #ccddcc; padding: 1ex; width: 45% margin-top: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; border-right: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } div.occurrences { display: block; background: #ccccdd; padding: 1ex; width: 45% margin-top: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; border-right: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } div.instances { display: block; background: #ccdddd; padding: 1ex; width: 45% margin-top: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; border-right: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } div.occurrence-instances { display: block; background: #ddccdd; padding: 1ex; width: 45% margin-top: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; border-bottom: 0.5ex #333333 solid; border-right: 0.5ex #333333 solid; } address { padding: 0.5ex; } div.tocHeader { color: white; background: #333333; font-weight: bolder; padding: 0.5ex; } div.tocHeader a:link, div.tocHeader a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: white; } div.tocHeader a:hover { background: #cccccc; color: black; } span.extlink { font-family: monospace; font-size: 90%; }

Topic Types

Topic Map

First time visitors: It's recommended to start exploring the Topic Map by entering the Topic Types.

The Master Index contains a list of all topics of this Topic Map.

Le monde IA pour tous


staf18 - projet

Dorel Gorga

Ce topic maps a été écrit en xtm

Master Index

# processing

Base Name

Instance of





  • .html
  • #
  • .html
  • Base Name (unscoped)
  • .html

  • .html
  • .html #
  • .html #
  • # Topic Map
    Generated from an XML Topic Map with xtm2xhtml. (c) Stefan Mintert
    Please do NOT remove the copyright note and the link to the xtm2xhtml home