
La réponse sur la troisième question

crée par jining, le 23 Février 2002

Professeur: Pierre Dillenbourg - Assistante: Elia de Iaco

La question
Dans une pédagogie constructiviste, reste-t-il une place pour une transmission directe des connaissances sous forme d'hypertexte?
La réponse
First, we take constructivism as an cognitive principle that understanding involves going beyond the presented information. Then, comprehension involves the construction of meaning.  It means that the information in the text must be combined with the information outside of the text, including most of the prior knowledge of the learner in order to form a complete representation of the text's meaning.  For students,  the goals of study are an attaining of mastery of complexity in understanding and preparation of transfer. The contents must be covered more than once for full understanding and preparation for transfer. But this repetition is not a simple process only for forming more durable memories for what they already know.

Then,  in hypertext instructional systems, the criss-cross landscape(  with its suggestion of a nonlinear and multidimensional traversal of complex subject matter, returning to the same place in the conceptual landscape on different occasions coming from different directions ) is  decisive factor. It is not only a kind of demonstrating patterns of multiple interconnectedness and context dependence of knowledge, and also teach students the importance of considering complex knowledge form many different intellectual perspectives, tailored to the context of its occurrence. It is clear that hypertext environments are good to  promote cognitive flexibility. The properties of hypertexts systems facilitate restructuring of instructional presentation sequences, multiple date codings, and multiple linkages among content elements. It appears straightforward that a nonlinear medium like hypertext woule be very well suited for the kinds of "landscape criss-crossing".   For  the beginners, when reading a description of a process or a procedure involving spatial information, it is very helpful to see a picture, graphes, and examples that will increase the meaningfulness for the text description. In constrast,  for an expert, he can acquire the knowledges from the structure of the criss-cross landscape in hypertext environment by repetition continuable, and integrate the knowledge in the text and knowledge in the individual reader's head.

In summary, hypertext can support flexible congitive processing, flexible learning environment, and it is very important and developing technology for constructivism.

Bibliographie complémentaire
1. Rand J. Spiro, Paul J. Feltovich, Michael 1. Jacobson and Richard L. Coulson---Cognitive Flexibility, Constructivism, and Hypertext: Random Access Instruction for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition in ILL-Structured Domains
2. E.Kintsch and W. Kintsch---Learning from Text

  • Text1 et Text2(Jining)___Question3. Dans une pédagogie constructiviste, reste-t-il une place pour une transmission directe des connaissances sous forme d'hypertexte?
  • Text3 et Text4()
  • Text5 et Text6()
  • Text7 et Text8()