

L'évaluation des méthodes pédagogique a mis en évidence l'existence de lois d'interaction aptitude-traitement.


In 1946 Woodrow demonstrate that while the correlation between scholastic aptitude and achievement measures was substantial, gains in achievement scores from year to year seemed to be negligibly related to aptitude. In 1957 a book by Cronbach and Gleser entitled Psycholigical Tests and Personnel Decisions, developed a decision-theory model for the selection and placement of individuals into various "treatments." In education the word "treatment" refers to the particular programs or instructional methods a student is assigned to or has the opportunity to select. This theoritical analysis pointed out that aptitued information is useful in modifying and selecting treatments only when aptitude and treatment can be shown to interact. In 1977 Gonbach and Snow carried a very extensive review and analysis of many of the ramifications of the ATI research area. They conclude that, with a few notable exceptions, ATI effects have not been solidly demonstrated. In 1980 Snow indique that testable theories are required that describe abilities measured in the pretest,abilities required for competent task performance, and treatment procedures that connect the two .

Generally, the measuring individual differences that interact with different ways of learnign do not appear to relate to the processes of learning and performance that have been under investigation in cognitive and developmental psychology.Furthermore, The treaments investigated in many ATI studies have not been generated by any systematic analysis of the kinds of psychological processes, and individual differences have not been assessed in terms of related cognitive processes.

Cette page crée par Jining, 11-23-2000