Travaux STAF

STAF 14: Exercise 2


QCM using HTML forms and PHP


The design of my QCM page was actually planned to appear more elaborated to some extent but now, appears rather plain as a consequence that the university building was locked over christmas and the laboratory computers have not been accessible anymore after 10 o'clock p.m. Anyway, the comprehension of technical aspects in this exercise were definitely given most priority. Hence, I am pleased with the result accomplished. I learned to appreciate the usage of Xemacs and could take advantage of some of its features, as well as I assumed to have gained a pretty good insight into PHP (thanks to my rusty programming skills in Turbo Pascal 5.5) and HTML forms. Overall, it was a good educational exercise since this subject cannot be taught on a theoretical basis.

Conceptual aspects:

The theme of my QCM is a recipe actually not very difficult to make. There is only one way to successfully perform the QCM and of course, that is when all questions are correctly answered (that's why I didn't yet try the recipe differently). In each question, the testee can score one point with exception of question 3 where up to two points can be obtained. One correct answer still results in one point. In any case in which an incorrect answer is submitted, zero points are added to the total score (PHP: $score). I will talk about the realization in the paragraph "Technical aspects". Once the answers are submitted, they are verified and the total score is calculated using PHP programming language. The feedback page is personalized taking the testee's name (PHP: $familyname, $firstname). Each answer is then commented stating the testee's input that appear in blue and the correct response. In case of no input submitted, the program pops up a pertinent message in red.

Technical aspects:

The comprehension of the technical aspects, to be precise of HTML forms and PHP, stood in the foreground of my interest in this exercise. Hence, I employed all kinds of HTML input types available. It was actually not very difficult to accomplish. However, the treatment of the data in PHP was already more challenging and time-consuming. Especially, a -to some extent elegant- solution for scoring the CHECKBOX-input type (mentioned in the paragraph above), where it was necessary to distinquish between a good amount of potential cases, took a great deal of my thoughts and not-scheduled time.


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