CONSTAT "The new workplace requirements for learning are incompatible with instruction that assumes the teacher is the information giver and
the student a passive recipient. The new requirements are at odds with testing programs that assess skills that are useful only in school."

Today what must be promoted is "engaged, meaningful learning and collaboration involving challenging and real life tasks"

Because they are based on the comparison of things that aren't comparable: technology program versus traditional program, using standardized tests from a traditional point of vu.

The question shouldn't be: does the new technologies enhance, improve student learning?  Instead, we should concentrate on evaluating individual technologies against specific learning, engagement, collaboration, and communication goals (every thing that should be promoted today in education)

 What seems to be forgotten is that high technology serves education as much as books or videos do. It's just a tool, and as any other tool it can well or badly be used. Therefore:  "Effectiveness is not a function of the technology, but rather of the learning environment and the capability to do things one could not do otherwise."


Detail the indicators that can be used to mesure the effectiveness of high technologies in an learning environment by pointing out the indicators of engaged learning the indicators of high technology performance.



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