
Types of Chinese Characters

  1. Pictographic Characters:These characters originated from the drawings of the forms of the objects. E.g.  or () means "the Sun".  or  () means "the Moon".  () means "ox".  () means "horn".  () means "tooth", etc.
  2. Things-referring Characters: These characters are based on the pictographic characters, adding one or more strokes or symbols to show what they mean. For example, the character  is a pictographic character meaning "wood". If we add a short stroke "_" to the lower part of it, it becomes  which means exactly "the root of the tree". But If we put the little stroke on the upper part of the character, it becomes  which means, on the contrary, the "treetop".
  3. Meaning-exposing Characters: This kind of characters are combinations of two or more characters, bearing both of the meanings of the original two words and then producing a new meaning. For example, (sharp) is made up of two parts:  (small) and  (big). That means something with a "small" top and a "big" bottom and therefore it becomes sharp. Other examples are:  (small) and  (earth) make  (dust),  (sun) above "__" (horizon) makes  (dawn / daybreak) and three  (person) make  (many people), etc.
  4. Pictophonetic Charaters: These are charaters with two parts: "meaning /form" component and "sound" component. According to the ways of combination they are further divided into six kinds:

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