
The evolution of the structure of the Chinese Characters

        1. Jia Gu Wen ---- This is a kind of characters which were cut in the bone of animals. They existed 3,000 years ago.
        2. Zhong Ding Wen ---- a kind of script which were forged or cut on the metal objects, i.e. Zhong (bell) or Ding(a
            special pot). They are also called Jin Wen (metal script).
    The following picture shows these two kinds of characters:
    Jia Gu Wen Zhong Ding Wen/Jin Wen
        3. Zhuan Shu ---- this kind of characters can be divided into big Zhan and small Zhuan. Big Zhuan was popular during
            the epoc of Chun Qiu and Zhan Guo; while small Zhuan was originated and simplified from big Zhuan in the Qin
    Da Zhuan Xiao Zhuan Da Zhuan Xiao Zhuan
        4. Li Shu---- In Qin Dynastie, Xiao Zhuan was the standard character, and at the same time another manuel script was
            also very popular which is called Li Shu, since it was created by the nation of "Li". At that time, Li Shu was used in
            common situations while Xiao Zhuan was used in formal situations.
        5. Kai Shu---- Kai Shu was also called Zhen Shu. It has been used from the last years of the East Han Dynastie till
            now with a history of nearly 2000 years. It originated from Li Shu and inherited many features of Li Shu. It is more
            concise and easier to write.
        6. Cao Shu---- This kind of characters originated from the quick way of writing them. Thus all the above mentioned
            types of characters have their own way of Cao Shu. The extreme of Cao Shu is called "Crazy Cao". Most people
            cannot recognise them. It is a kind of caligraphy and we don't use it in our daily life.
        7. Xing Shu---- This kind of charaters locate between Kai Shu and Cao Shu. It is also a way of quick writing but at the
            same time it is reognisable. It has the advantages of both Kai Shu and Cao Shu: recognisable and quick in writing. So it
            more practical and most people use it.

Xiao Zhuan

Li Shu

Kai Shu

Cao Shu

Xing Shu

            The following is another example in which we can see more clearly the changes of the Chinese characters:
Jia Gu Wen Zhong Ding Wen Zhuan Shu Li Shu Kai Shu English




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