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Théorie des fonctions de navigation


Représentation spatiale

1. Claramunt Christophe, Mainguenaud Michel, "A Spatial Data Model for Navigation Knowledge"

Recherche d'un lieu

Rapidité de navigation

Confort de navigation

"Location awareness"

1. Ulf Leonhardt, "Ubiquitous Location-Awareness", UK
2. Waseem Besada, "Towards a Single Location-awareness System"
3. Sven Lämmermann, "A new kind of network services using Location and Context Awareness in computer and communication networks", 1998
4. Carl Gutwin, Mark Roseman "A Usability Study of Workspace Awareness Widgets", Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calgary Calgary, Alta, Canada T2N 1N4.

Mise en valeur des choses importantes

Sentiment d'immersion

Awarness des autres

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