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"Voyage Interactif au Pays des Maths"


General information about the software
The aim of the software
Student's activity
How we can introduce this software into a classroom
Advantages and disadvantages

General information about the software

TitreVoyage Interactif au Pays des Maths V 1.2
Distribution byTLC-Edusoft
132 boulevard Camélinat
92247 - Malakoff Cedex
SubjectMathematics for 6-7 years old students (CP-CE1)
OSWindows 3.1 & 95 / Macintosh
Available inCD-Rom (min 2x)
Minimum requirementsWindows: 8Mb RAM, hard disk, SVGA 256 colours, Sound blaster16, mouse, microphone.
Mac: monitor 256 colours, 5Mb RAM, system 7.
ManualUser guide of 55 pages that include a pedagogical reference of 8 pages and the words of the songs.
Short descriptionIt is a software that deals with simple mathematics, mostly algebra for 6-7 years old students. It has 10 "countries" with mathematics. They include 25 activities for developing and learning on the following 5 domains:
  • Addition / subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Geometrical forms
  • Mesures
  • Initiation in fractions
It also includes some songs relevant to the subject of learning. In every "country" of mathematics, students are invited to search for the magician of mathematics.


The aim of the software
This is an educational software (didacticiel) and also an educational game. The educational model that follows is "problem solving".
The whole idea is of an adventure through 10 countries where in each one the student should solve different arised problems in order to continue to the next and finish all of them by finding the magician of maths!
As I already mentioned, it deals with 5 domains of mathematics (in fact it is arithmetics level) such as symmetry, addition/subtraction, multiplication, mesures and fractions. It has the structure of windows with one item menu that makes it really familiar. It contains exploration, animation, songs and practice.
The user has to follow a certain path. If the student wants to decide on his own the path to follow he has either to go in the score board and change the percentage that's needed to be done (which is normaly 80%) to 0% either select it on a menu. Of course, it is stated that something like that doesn't promote learning and is not suggested.
The public that this software aims at is students 6-7 years old, that means students of CP-CE1. I haven't seen anywhere written the educational background that is needed in order to use this software. I guess that they imply the background needed for entering the CP-CE1 class.
There is a board that keeps track of the users name, score and level succeeded so as to allow the student next time that he enters the program again, to start from the point reached.


Student's activity
The student has to follow a certain path of 10 chapters (countries) in order to succeed the goal "finding the magician of maths" which is in fact learning the domains of maths. Of course, the student can choose his own order to pass from these countries.
The activities that he has to deal with are:


There is the printed material, the user guide. This only describes the environment that the user is going to face and it's not a real help.
On-line there is a cartoon-cat that always reads out loud the problem to be solved but it doesn't help the user giving hints. And there are also instructions of using each object if you click on it, but it is quite difficult to guess where someone should click when you don't have any obvious help on-line and the cursor doesn't change on the "clickable" areas!
In the welcome page of each country the student can find:

There is no theory related to the subject studied and no hints on solving the problems. The student can really lost in case he doesn't know the solution.


How we can introduce this software into a classroom
This can be introduced in a classroom as the application of the theory taught so as the teacher to understand whether students understood. It is also a good way of showing the same principles in a different environment to see whether students can recognize and apply them. So, this could take the place of a classical test and change the whole idea of the studetns on tests!
Another proper environment is at home with parents or competing with friends. On the manual it is suggested to parents to apply the ideas of this software on real life. There is an on-line reference with suggestions to parents but unfortunately under the unsuccesful title "Education".
In any case, I think that as a problem solving software it requires the presence of a teacher or a parent to give the missing hints in order to continue.


Advantages and disadvantages
Disadvantages: I would say that help is not well defined. I felt lost quite a few times trying to find out what to do next.
Correct answers just seem obvious without explaning why they are correct. There is no theory in the beggining of each chapter to help giving the basics in order to continue. So, we don't know if the student understands the principles he discovers or he does things automatically. And anytime he's not cabable of solving the problem is being stuck!
It has also a lot of animation but I think that this is well done and it doesn't last too long.
But I should also point out that I found a few "bugs" on the program that can easily being noticed which doesn't look nice for a professional software and sometimes might confuse the student.
Advantages: The scenario is remarkable and the animations are really funny without being childish.
I liked a lot that the program accepts all the possible solutions that a student can give.
The whole idea is very well presented and most of the times the user can stop the animation and continue quicker which makes things easier.
The user can choose freely the path he wants to follow although there are some limitations about it.
The program keeps track of the level reached and student's progress.
The presentation of the objects and notions is being done in both ways orally and written which helps the student remember them easily.
I also liked the way the exercises were presented giving some general notions for example of recycling, a few elements of foreign countries and cultures and introducing music.
The student uses always the mouse to solve the problems that is more comfortable but I think that it is a disadvantage that he never writes some mathematical formulas himself!


First of all, I would give the student more freedom to choose easily the path he likes. I would increase the help on-line so as to avoid confusing the student with the interface and concentrate mostly on the basic theme of the program.
I would choose more examples from every day life to apply the mathematical principles so as to show to the student the real reason that he has to learn mathematics.
In general, I would expand the program on the same idea which is really nice but I would improve certain activities, that I think that are limited, by giving more exercises. I would prefer the examples to change randomly every time that a user plays again so as to explore more aspects on each subject and not going over and over on the same field.


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by Vivian Synteta (14/11/98) updated 20/11/98