An XML version may be found in the "xml" directory. The grammar behind is an extension of IBM's Dita DTD. Note that the xml version here is fairly useless (simple "save as" from FrameMaker + a little clearning up with a XSL stylesheet). It lacks important navigation features and some characters don't show up as they should. The DITA XSLT stylesheet (which I did not modify) works with IE Explorer. (Sorry, not my mistake: The DITA stylesheet uses features not implemented in Mozilla. I don't use IE except for looking at this file). Future: Maybe we will produce a truly usable XML version with an XML database and decent navigation sometimes. Alternativly a good client-side alternative based on multiple generated HTML files also might be an anwser. For the moment, please stick to the PDF version. It is PDF hypertext (you can jump from on entry to others). - DKS, 2004