Invitation to participate in the development of...

The Universal Exposition of MOOsaica

The purpose of this exposition is to develop an internet site on the island of Mosaïca. The idea is to create exhibition pavilions on the island, each constructed by different nationalities of school children to create a virtual, universal exposition. This work will allow school children to present the culture of their own country (history, geography, customs, economy, art...) at their own level.

The Universal Exposition is composed of national exhibition pavilions, each of which is partitioned according to the choices of those who have created it and the themes they have selected.

The Universal Exposition is open to all children of all countries. An alternative system of sponsoring allows access to those without sufficient technology to also participate in the project.

Inscription Form

(To be completed by the instructor)

Last Name : ......................................... First Name: ............................................

Complete postal address :

............................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................

Telephone / fax number (please include international dialling code for the country):


E-mail address :


Number of student participants : ........................ Age of students :...................

Do you have accesss to a computer ? : ..............

Do you access to the internet ? : ...............

Do you have an internet site ? : ...............

If you do have an internet site, what is its URL (address) ? :


Questions, comments :

............................................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................

Please send the completed inscription form to:

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