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The Ideas Book

Qui sont les Suisses? / Who are the Swiss? !

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In our opinion, Switzerland represents a country full of nature, where Alps are well- known by everybody and where you can ski. Full of green mountains in the spring, where cows stand out, grazing everywhere you look. Bernat - Raquel
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\rabe.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 16:23:19 (MET DST)
In our opinion, Switzerland represents a country full of nature, where Alps are well- known by everybody and where you can ski. Full of green mountains in the spring, where cows stand out, grazing everywhere you look. Bernat - Raquel
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\dahe.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 16:22:48 (MET DST)
Switzerland, your country, is a wealthy country with cows, snow, watches and clocks and above all it is a very beautiful country. Dani B. - Héctor
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\dahe.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 16:20:08 (MET DST)
The landscape is full of high snow-covered mountains and green pasture for the cows. People like skiing there. Ariane
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\ariane.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 16:17:07 (MET DST)
Switzerland is a green country, with high mountains and cows. Esther-Maria
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\anma.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 16:08:25 (MET DST)
Switzerland is an interesting country. There, they make watches, chocolate and milk. Josep Mª
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\josep.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 16:00:39 (MET DST)
We drew Switzerland and we divided it into four parts. In each one, we represented a characteristic of Switzerland (cows, watches, money and chocolate). Carla-Natàlia
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\natcar.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 15:58:10 (MET DST)
Switzerland is a country rich in cows and money. There, they make delicious cheese and chocolate. Its watches and clocks are very famous all over the world. Albert - Jofre
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\albert.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 15:52:25 (MET DST)
Switzerland is a nice country with lots of mountains, great clocks and watches, cows and money!!! Enric - Eduard
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\eden.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 15:47:28 (MET DST)
We imagine that Switzerland is a very cold country with high mountains, with cows that give fresh milk . It must be a rich country. Marta - Anna
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\maan.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzo -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 15:43:15 (MET DST)
Switzerland is very interesting and beautiful. Cows decorate the landscape. High mountains make it possible for you to enjoy skiing. Marçal - Daniel
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\mardan.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola Horitzó -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 15:28:56 (MET DST)
I wake up with the cow’s moo, I look at my watch, it’s nine o’clock. Great ! It’s time for breakfast. I enjoy eating chocolate and cheese. Looking at the Alps’ landscape, I think: ‘It won’t be long till I go to Switzerland…’ Axel - Alexandre
lire aussi c:\expo2000\logotips\axelalex.gif
Xambanga (entre 10 et 12 ans), <>
Escola l'Horitzó -Barcelona, Catalonia - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 15:24:01 (MET DST)
Ca fait mooooo
Nathalie Pilard (plus de 15 ans), <>
Geneve, Suisse - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 21:57:55 (MET)
Ca mange du fromage!!!!
Didier/Test (plus de 15 ans), <>
Florimont -Genève, Suisse - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 18:20:49 (MET)

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