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title Author URL comments
Beyond Adoption to Invention: Teacher-Created
Collaborative Activities in higher education
Mark Guzdial, John Rick, Colleen Kehoe ca. 2000 http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu:8888/csl/uploads/24/CoWeb-final-Jan01.pdf summary here
Introduction to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture Don R. Day, Michael Priesly, David A. Shell http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-dita1/ description of standards
Community, Content and Collaboration Management Systems in Education:
A new chance for socio-constructivist scenarios?
Daniel K. Schneider, Vivian Sinteta, Catherine Frété
http://tecfa.unige.ch/proj/seed/catalog/docs/rhodes-paper-tecfa-web.pdf Paper for a speech in Rhodes
Un catalogue d'activités d'apprentissage socio-constructiviste Catherine Frété, Vivian Sinteta, Daniel Schneider 2002 http://tecfa.unige.ch/proj/seed/catalog/docs/activity-catalog-fr.pdf A longer list of activities see also version 0.2
IMS Reusable Definition of Competency or
Educational Objective - Information Model Version 1
25 October 2002 http://www.imsproject.org/competencies/rdceov1p0/imsrdceo_infov1p0.html standards : Definition of competencies and not of instructions or content!!
Portals in higher education: What are they
and what is their potential
Looney, M. and Lyman, P.
http://www.educause.edu/pub/er/erm00/articles004/looney.pdf 5 pages PDF with a portal definition .. e commerce related...
Supporting Critical Design Dialog Colleen Mary Kehoe
December 2001
http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu:8888/csl/uploads/24/kehoe%5F2001%5Fdissertation.pdf 300 page paper: Definition of Critical Design Dialog
Collaborative learning at Low Cost
CoWeb used in english Composition
Jochen Rick, mark Guzdial, caren Carrol
http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu:8888/csl/uploads/24/CoWebInEnglish-CSCL2002.pdf Example for CoWeb in English composition and much more
Welcome to the Design of Constructivist
Learning Environments (CLEs)
Mr. Jonassen in Missoury ca. 2000 http://tiger.coe.missouri.edu/~jonassen/courses/CLE/main.html Good and easy understandable description of components
of a CLE; no complicate pedagogical language :)
Over-scripting CSCL: The risks of blending
collaborative learning with instructional design
Dillenbourg, P. (2002) http://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/staf/notari/literature/dillenbourg2002_1.doc Collaboration scripts: good examples for scripts and collaborative work with ICT


Community Effort in Online Groups:
Who Does the Work and Why?
Brian Butler (2002) http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/butler.pdf Results from a survey of Internet listserv owners and other members suggest that owners, who have a formal leadership role, do more of the effortful community building work than do regular members, other members also take on some of the work. Moreover, members who value different benefits are likely to contribute to the development on an online community in different ways.
Designing Computational Models of Collaborative Learning Interaction; An Activity Theory approach Alain Derycke (2002) http://sra.itc.it/people/soller/CSCL2002/workshop-program.html Definition of Activity (diagram); Activity support, diagram)
Supervisors charting their emerging role K.Mäkinen, H. Ahonen(2000) http://www.sunpoint.net/~kallemakinen/publications/Lahtipaper.htm KM as developmental Approach based on Activity Theory
CSCL Theories W. Daphne (1996); Websute, not an article http://www.edb.utexas.edu/csclstudent/Dhsiao/theories.html#top Good definitions of Constructivist Theory, CSCL, Cognitive Flexibility Theory, Self-Regulated learning, Meta cognition, Situated Cognition, Shared Cognition
A Collaboration Monitor for Shared Workspaces Mühlenbrock M., Hoppe U. http://www.xrce.xerox.com/people/muehlenbrock/Publications/AIED2001_Muehlenbrock_Hoppe.pdf Tools for action analysis on collaborative learning..
Coordinating Collaborative Knowledge Building Chen W., Wasson B. http://www.xrce.xerox.com/people/muehlenbrock/Publications/AIED2001_Muehlenbrock_Hoppe.pdf Distributed collaborative learning is not as effective as expected! Coordination agent improves learning outcome!
Multi-Dimensional Tracking in Virtual Learning Teams, An Exploratory Study Zumbach J., Muehlenbrock M., Jansen M., Reimann P., Hoppe H. (2002) http://www.xrce.xerox.com/people/muehlenbrock/Publications/CSCL-2002-Zumbach-etal-short.pdf Tool for feeding back parameters of collaboration to group members: integrative Methodology for analyzing collatoration behaviour.. (not of central ihterest for my thesis).
A Role-Based Adaptive CSCL Environment for
Intensive Hands-on Teaching and Learning under
Rigid Time Constraints
Wedde H., Thorsten F., Muddassar F. http://ls3-www.cs.uni-dortmund.de/Publikationen/SECIII-CSCL.pdf Novel role based concept of collaborative learning. Good metaphore of the famous 'Dining Philosophers'
. Picture..Role based adaptive learning environmen..
Knowledge management, interventions and learning Website , University of Helsinki, Research subject; Leader: Jaakko Virkkunen http://www.edu.helsinki.fi/activity/4e.htm

Research questions:
How does the process of expansive learning proceed in practice?
How can work communities learn to use and develop tools for expansive learning in their daily practice?...

Cultural-Historical Activity Theory Website of the university of Helsinki http://www.edu.helsinki.fi/activity/6a.htm Good description of Activity Theory staring by Marx, Vygotsky, Luria, Leont'ev, Il'enkov, Cole.. good pictures..
Representations for Scaffolding Collaborative Inquiry on Ill-Structured Problems Suthers D. (1998) http://lilt.ics.hawaii.edu/lilt/papers/1998/Suthers-aera98.pdf Collaborative inquiry with Belvedere; practical reseach in classroom; cognitive support, Collaborative support, evaluative support. Definition of 'Learning Interaction'
An analysis of learner arguments in a collective learning environment Jermann P., Dillenbourg P. http://kn.cilt.org/cscl99/A33/A33.HTM Work about 'Argue Graph': Studens should understand the relationship between learning theories and design choices. Collective intelligence model..
From Mirroring to Guiding: A Review of State of the Art Technology for Supporting Collaborative Learning Jermann P., Soller A., Muehlenbrock M. (2001) http://www.mmi.unimaas.nl/euro-cscl/Papers/197.pdf Review of systems that support the management of collaborative
interaction, and proposition of a classification framework built on a simple model of coaching.
Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Learning for Freshmen Students Through Supplemental Instruction Arendale D., Dwinell P., Higbee J. (1998) http://www.umkc.edu/cad/si/sidocs/daeffe98.htm Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Learning for Freshmen Students Through Supplemental Instruction. Related to high school students, practical research
Corrèa C., de Sousa Nogueira M., Nöbrega Pacheco M. http://www.ctc.puc-rio.br/icee-98/Icee/papers/205.pdf Just for fun; (nice citations) not strongly scientific!!

