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Mes intérêts de recherche sont à l'intersection de la biologie, de l'enseignement, et des technologies éducatives

Quelques réflexions sur ma vision de l'enseignement

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Selon son premier principe il était impossible d'enseigner[...]. Au mieux, il pouvait nous dire comment apprendre, nous rendre aptes à nous poser des questions. A nous ensuite de trouver les réponses. Les autres professeurs, disait-il d'un ton supérieur, enseignent les réponses, ce qui ne sert à rien sinon à encombre le cerveau d'éléments non digérés et à empêcher une véritable réflexion.

MORRIS, Desmond, (1980) La fête Zoologique, Calmann-Lévy

The interplay of the recombinant DNA, instrumentation, and digital revolutions has profoundly transformed biological research. The confluence of these three innovations has led to important discoveries, such as the mapping of the human genome. How biologists design, perform, and analyze experiments is changing swiftly. Biological concepts and models are becoming more quantitative, and biological research has become critically dependent on concepts and methods drawn from other scientific disciplines. The connections between the biological sciences and the physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science are rapidly becoming deeper and more extensive. The ways that scientists communicate, interact, and collaborate are undergoing equally rapid and dramatic transformations, which are driven by the accessibility of vast computing power and facile information exchange over the Internet. In contrast to biological research, undergraduate biology education has changed relatively little during the past two decades. The ways in which most future research biologists are educated are geared to the biology of the past, rather than to the biology of the present or future.

NRC Committee on Undergraduate Biology Education to Prepare Research Scientists for the 21st Century. ( 2003). BIO2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists National Research Council

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