A short information on TecfaMOO

The TecfaMOO project has been started as a small informal project in the fall of 1994. Currently we have been using MOO technology as CMC tool for our own teaching and research. Since April 1st 1995 our MOO has become the main technical vector in an effort to create a virtual space for European researchers and practicionars in Educational Technology. This project is supported partly by the European VMDL (``Virtual Mobility and Distance Learning'' project. MOO technology also plays a major role in recent European research funding bids (which all failed so far). Since April 95, TECFAMOO has an experimental World-Wide Web interface allowing to take increased benefits from both technologies. This latest development will increase our commitment to MOO technology and we particularly plan to invest in the following areas:

Virtual Meeting Spaces for researchers and other professional communities
Tutorial support for class-room teaching
Tutorial support for distance teaching
Environments for "Just-in-Time-Open Learning
Educational environments (Learning by doing)
The "textuality" of text-based VR
Collaborative work
Collaborative information systems (retrieval and hypermedia production)
Spatial organization of information retrieval
"Exhibition of activities"
Dynamics of interactions in virtual multi-user environments
Social & Political issues in virtual worlds
Learnining Environment on the WWW with the MOO as smart httpd server

Please look at the evolving The evolving TECFAMOO Book #1 for more ....

upUP to the TecfaMOO project page

Daniel Schneider, TECFA