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Listing code


  1. '@show': useful for getting an ``overview''
  2. '@dump <obj> will dump the code for an object including its verbs. This is useful for porting, but read the Newbie MOO Wiz FAQ for details, and don't forget to port the parents too (and be prepared to adjust YOUR parent objects).
  3. @list
  4. @display:is more fancy than @show. It allows you list various pieces of code attached to an object.

  5. An other way for looking at code, is of course to load a verb or a propriety into the editor (especially if you can ship it to a client), but be careful not to destry anything if you have the permission to do so !!
  6. At TECFAMOO, you can use the following commands to ship listings into an editor window: @@dump, @@list and @@d*isplay. So instead of listing things in the buffer in which you talk you can get it in another Window. Use it, it is cool!

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Daniel K. Schneider
Wed Oct 23 21:55:28 MET DST 1996