Directory Contents: README.txt -- this file xml-schemas.ppt -- a Powerpoint document that takes you step-by-step in learning XML Schemas. It is the tutorial. examples -- the tutorial contains a lot of examples. Those examples may be found in this directory. Also in this directory is the XML Schema DTD. Thus, you can validate your XML Schemas against the XML Schema DTD. labs -- there are 10 labs in here. As you go through xml-schema.ppt you will see a "cloud" telling you to stop and do a lab. I highly recommend doing so. It will help to reinforce the ideas. The labs start you out with creating a very simple schema. Each lab builds on the previous schema. By the time you get to lab 10 you will have created a very sophisticated schema. I hope that you find the tutorial, examples, and labs helpful. Note: in xml-schemas.ppt you will see that in my example schemas I have an internal DTD subset in which I declare: Oddly, some XML Parsers don't like the use of #IMPLIED here. Instead they prefer the use of #FIXED, such as: In deference to these XML Parsers I have changed the example schemas to use #FIXED rather than #IMPLIED. (xml4j accepts #IMPLIED just fine. However, msxml and XML-Notepad don't seem to like #IMPLIED.) Roger L. Costello February 23, 2000