Examples for learning the VRML/EAI

Warning: this area is under construction since Jan 22 98. This directory contains also free examples found on the WWW. See the source and the README.html files for more information. Each example (and variants thereof) sit in separate directories which you can enter safely without launching any VRML plug-in. Generally select the single *.html file to view an applet + VRML scene.

Also note that I modernized applets found on the Net (deleted LiveScript related stuff). Therefore you need a fairly recent VRML plug-in, e.g. Win95/Netscape/Cosmo 2, Win95/Netscape/WorldView 2, Cosmo 1.03/Irix or VrWave 0.9 (free multi-platform browser) ... I tested most of the stuff with these.

Check the EAI Spec Page for more info on EAI or start from our EAI pointers page. The best published intro to EAI is IMHO Chapter 5 of the Late Night VRML 2.0 with Java book.
