Generating elements positionned in circles for SVG

Demos how to put SVG elements around a circle (or part of it), i.e. information visualization for total beginners. Files names starting with the same name go together.

If something doesn't work, wait a few minutes or hours ;)

Order of complexity:

  1. elements-on-circle-with-php.php - puts generated elements around a circle
  2. elements-on-arc-with-php.php - same as above but let's you define an angle
  3. elements-on-arc-with-simple-xml.php - same as above but reads data from RSS URL with simple XML
  4. elements-on-arc-with-dom.php - same as above but does it with DOM Functions
  5. elements-on-circle-with-xslt.php - reads data from RSS file and transforms with PHP's XSLT

Last modified: Wed Apr 20 22:07:10 MEST 2005