While System V IPC isn't so widely used as sockets, it still has some interesting uses. You can't, however, effectively use SysV IPC or Berkeley mmap() to have shared memory so as to share a variable amongst several processes. That's because Perl would reallocate your string when you weren't wanting it to.

Here's a small example showing shared memory usage.

    $IPC_PRIVATE = 0;
    $IPC_RMID = 0;
    $size = 2000;
    $key = shmget($IPC_PRIVATE, $size , 0777 );
    die unless defined $key;

    $message = "Message #1";
    shmwrite($key, $message, 0, 60 ) || die "$!";
    shmread($key,$buff,0,60) || die "$!";

    print $buff,"\n";

    print "deleting $key\n";
    shmctl($key ,$IPC_RMID, 0) || die "$!";

Here's an example of a semaphore:

    $IPC_KEY = 1234;
    $IPC_RMID = 0;
    $IPC_CREATE = 0001000;
    $key = semget($IPC_KEY, $nsems , 0666 | $IPC_CREATE );
    die if !defined($key);
    print "$key\n";

Put this code in a separate file to be run in more than one process. Call the file take:

    # create a semaphore

    $IPC_KEY = 1234;
    $key = semget($IPC_KEY,  0 , 0 );
    die if !defined($key);

    $semnum = 0;
    $semflag = 0;

    # 'take' semaphore
    # wait for semaphore to be zero
    $semop = 0;
    $opstring1 = pack("sss", $semnum, $semop, $semflag);

    # Increment the semaphore count
    $semop = 1;
    $opstring2 = pack("sss", $semnum, $semop,  $semflag);
    $opstring = $opstring1 . $opstring2;

    semop($key,$opstring) || die "$!";

Put this code in a separate file to be run in more than one process. Call this file give:

    # 'give' the semaphore
    # run this in the original process and you will see
    # that the second process continues

    $IPC_KEY = 1234;
    $key = semget($IPC_KEY, 0, 0);
    die if !defined($key);

    $semnum = 0;
    $semflag = 0;

    # Decrement the semaphore count
    $semop = -1;
    $opstring = pack("sss", $semnum, $semop, $semflag);

    semop($key,$opstring) || die "$!";

The SysV IPC code above was written long ago, and it's definitely clunky looking. It should at the very least be made to use strict and require "sys/". Better yet, check out the IPC::SysV modules on CPAN.