About Lynx Ver. 2.3

About Other versions of Lynx


Version 2.3 is now available for anonymous FTP and can be obtained from ftp2.cc.ukans.edu in the /pub/lynx directory.

Release Statement

New Features in version 2.3

FTP Listings now include file sizes, dates and types
Code to recognize different FTP server types and to parse full directory listings (LIST output) has been added. File sizes and dates are obtained by reading the information returned by the FTP server and has the possibility of being incorrect on some non standard servers. No errors have been discovered yet but if you encounter one please send mail to lynx-bug@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu. File types are determined by comparing the extension of the file with an internal list of file extensions. If a file extension match is found the MIME type is displayed as the file type. If an extension match cannot be found then the type is assumed to be text/plain (plain text). New file extensions can be added to Lynx by using SUFFIX definitions in lynx.cfg or by using a "mime.types" file.
Popup menus for non-multiple SELECT list form input types.
Select lists will now be shown in the following manner:

(You must be using Lynx version 2.3 to see this example in its new representation)
When positioned on the SELECT form item hit return or right-arrow to "pop up" the menu of choices. You may move among the items by using the up and down arrows. If you hit right-arrow or return the option that was currently highlighted will be selected. If a left-arrow is pressed the pop-up menu will close and the previous value will be retained.
New delete-a-bookmark command: 'R' for R)emove
While viewing Lynx bookmarks the 'R' command will delete the currently selected item. If 'R' is used while not viewing Lynx bookmarks an error message will be shown.
Transparent support for X Mosaic hotlist files
Set the "Bookmark file" in the Lynx O)ptions screen to the name of your X Mosaic hotlist file. The file is usually named: ".mosaic-hotlist-default". Viewing, addition, and removal of hotlist items are supported in the same manner as Lynx bookmark files.

This feature is also a handy way to convert your X Mosaic hotlist file to HTML. Just change the bookmark filename in the O)ptions screen as outlined above and use 'V' to view the file and '\' to view the HTML source of the converted X Mosaic hotlist file. You may then P)rint the file to disk as HTML.

MIME types and external viewers may be configured in lynx.cfg
Please see the lynx.cfg file for information on configureing MIME types and VIEWERS. If your site also uses X Mosaic you will probably want to use the .mailcap and mime.types configuration defined below.
File suffix mapping via the mime.types file
File extensions are mapped to MIME types by the following example:
            application/postscript         ai eps ps
            application/rtf                rtf
            application/x-tex              tex
            application/x-texinfo          texinfo texi
            application/x-troff            t tr roff
            audio/basic                    au snd
            audio/x-aiff                   aif aiff aifc
            audio/x-wav                    wav
            image/gif                      gif
            image/ief                      ief
            image/jpeg                     jpeg jpg jpe
            image/tiff                     tiff tif
The MIME type is listed first and any number of file suffixes can be listed afterwards separated by whitespace. For more details see the the mime.types documentation from the Xmosaic documentation set.
External viewer configuration via mailcap
External viewers are mapped to MIME types by the following example:
      # This one is for NON X sessions
      application/postscript ; lpr %s \; echo SENT FILE TO PRINTER; (wrapped)
					     ;test=test -z "$DISPLAY"
      # This one is for X
      application/postscript ; ghostview %s; ;test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
The MIME type is listed first with the external command second separated by a semi-colon. An optional test command may be used to optionally configure a viewer based on external conditions. If a test command is specified it must be separated from the external viewer command by two semi-colons. For more details see the the mailcap documentation from the Xmosaic documentation set.
Second %s argument added to PRINTER and DOWNLOADER definitions.
PRINTER and DOWNLOADER definitions listed in the lynx.cfg file can be specified with two "%s" arguments. The first "%s" is replaced with the name of the temporary file that Lynx generates to hold the data and usually looks something like "/tmp/L12483.html". If a second %s is present in the command definition it will be filled in by a suggested filename which is derived from the URL of the document. See lynx.cfg for more details.
PROTOCOL_proxy and no_proxy environment variables.
Lynx version 2.2 and beyond support the use of proxy servers that can act as firewall gateways and cacheing servers. Each protocol used by Lynx can be mapped seperately using PROTOCOL_proxy environment variables of the form:
setenv http_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
setenv gopher_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
setenv ftp_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
setenv wais_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
define "http_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
define "gopher_proxy "http://some.server.dom:port/"
define "ftp_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
define "wais_proxy" "http://some.server.dom:port/"
If you wish to override the use of a proxy server for specific hosts or entire domains you may use the "no_proxy" environment variable. Here is an example use of "no_proxy":
setenv no_proxy "host.domain.dom, domain1.dom, domain2"
define "no_proxy" "host.domain.dom, domain1.dom, domain2"