<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">

var r = 160;       // radius
var xoff = 180;    // x offset
var yoff = 170;    // y offset
var pi = Math.PI;  // get pi
var inc = pi / 45; // degrees per rotation cycle
var objects;       // objects to be rotated
var pos;           // position for objects

function initObjects() {
objects = new Array(); // define your objects
objects[0] = document.all.fly1.style;
objects[1] = document.all.fly2.style;
objects[2] = document.all.fly3.style;
objects[3] = document.all.fly4.style;

pos = new Array();
pos[0] = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < objects.length; i++) {
    pos[i] = parseFloat(pos[i - 1] + ((2 * pi) / objects.length));

function rotateObjects() {
    for (i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) {
    pos[i] += inc; objects[i].visibility = "visible";
    objects[i].left = (r * Math.cos(pos[i])) + xoff
    objects[i].top = (r * Math.sin(pos[i])) + yoff;
setTimeout ("rotateObjects()", 75);

<BODY onLoad = "initObjects()">

<DIV ID = "fly1" STYLE = "position: absolute;">
Fly 1

<DIV ID = "fly2" STYLE = "position: absolute;">
Fly 2

<DIV ID = "fly3" STYLE = "position: absolute;">
Fly 3

<DIV ID = "fly4" STYLE = "position: absolute;">
Fly 4