
Various facilities for interacting with user information


gk::participants show
gk::participants card usernum
gk::participants email usernum
gk::participants webpage usernum
gk::participants note usernum ?contents?
gk::participants portrait usernum
gk::participants sendportrait usernum
gk::participants receiveportrait usernum portrait


The gk::participants command provides a set of routines for graphically dealing with the information that GroupKit provides for each user.

The "gk::participants show" command brings up a participants dialog, showing all the users. Popup menus on each user allow for further operations.

The "gk::participants card" routine brings up a business card dialog window for a particular user, providing detailed information not shown in the participants dialog.

The "gk::participants email" routine calls an external email program to send a message to the indicated user, i.e. by bringing up a mail compose window and filling in the "To" field. Currently this only works on Unix with exmh.

The "gk::participants webpage" routine will display a user's web page if available, using an external web browser. Currently this only works on Unix with Netscape.

The "gk::participants note" command can be used to send a "sticky note" to another user. If the contents of the note are specified, the note is sent automatically, otherwise the local user is prompted for the contents before sending.

The "gk::participants portrait" command returns the image name of the specified user's portrait. This can then be used as the "-image" parameter for a widget. If the portrait is not currently available, this command returns the empty string, and initiates a query for the portrait. When it is received, a "portraitReceived" event is generated, which can be trapped with "gk::event bind". The fields are %U for the usernum, and %P for the name of the portrait image. The "sendportrait" and "receiveportrait" commands are used internally to ship portrait images over the network.

GroupKit Reference Manual. Last updated June 28, 1998 by Mark Roseman.