GroupKit User Manual - Conference Events

As you've noticed, GroupKit automatically takes care of users joining and leaving conferences, without your intervention. However, its often useful to be notified when people come and go. To do this, GroupKit provides a set of three conference events.

Conference events are similar to bindings that you can attach to widgets. But rather than executing a piece of callback code when something happens to a widget (e.g. the user presses a button), conference events execute a piece of code you provide as users join and leave the conference.

To specify handlers for conference events, you use the "gk::event bind" command, which works very similarly to Tk's bind command, right down to its use of "percent substitutions" to pass event parameters to your callback code. The general format of the command is:

gk::event bind event-type callback-code

New Users

The first of the conference events is the newUserArrived event, which signifies a new user has just joined the conference. We can extend our program to watch for new users arriving and displaying a dialog box with the code below. When this event is generated, information about the new user has already been stored in the users environment which was described above. One of the pieces of information available besides color is the user's name, so we'll display that in our dialog box. The percent substitution "%U" refers to the user's unique user number, a parameter of this conference event. Here, we'll embed the callback code directly in the gk::event bind command. As with Tk bindings, we could also have the binding call a separate procedure to handle the event.
gk::event bind newUserArrived {
    set newuser %U
    set name [gk::users get $newuser.username]
    toplevel .new$newuser
    pack [label .new$newuser.lbl -text "$name just arrived."]
    pack [button .new$newuser.ok -text Ok -command "destroy .new$newuser"]

Users Leaving

The second conference event is generated when a user leaves the conference. Again, the %U refers to the user's unique user number. The information for this user in the gk::users environment is still available at the time this event is generated. In our program, we may choose to respond to this event by changing the color of any ideas generated by the leaving user to black, as illustrated in the code below (remember that we tagged all ideas created by that user with the word "user" appended with their user number).
gk::event bind userDeleted {
    catch {
        .notepad itemconfig user%U -fill black

Updating Latecomers and Saving Conference Results

The final conference event generated by GroupKit is the updateEntrant event, used to update latecomers to a conference already in progress. Unlike the previous two events, GroupKit sends this event to only one of the existing conference processes, chosen arbitrarily. The process receiving this event should respond to it by sending whatever information is necessary to the latecomer to bring them up to date. In our program, this would mean sending them a copy of all of the ideas that have been generated so far.

Figure XX. Updating latecomers.

This information is normally sent via the "gk::to user" RPC, described earlier. This call needs the user number to send the message to, again extracted from the event via the "%U" substitution.

gk::event bind updateEntrant {
    foreach item [.notepad find all]
        set x [lindex [.notepad coords $item] 0]
        set y [lindex [.notepad coords $item] 1]
        foreach tag [.notepad gettags $item] {
            if {[string range $tag 0 3]=="user"} {
                set usernum [string range $tag 4 end]
            } else {
                if {$tag!="selected"} {set id $tag}
        set idea [.notepad itemcget $item -text]
        gk::to %U doAddIdea $id $usernum $x $y $idea
The updateEntrant event is also used to make conferences persist (that is, make them stick around after the last user has left, so that they can be rejoined later). You've noticed that when you quit the last program in the conference, you're asked if you'd like to delete the conference or have it save its contents (persist). If you ask it to persist, GroupKit sends an updateEntrant event to your program, but rather than asking it (via the %U parameter) to update a new user, GroupKit passes a special user number that causes your program to send messages to a special persistence server that records them. When a user next joins the conference, the messages stored in the server are played back, exactly as if they were sent from the last user.

It is also possible to create your own events, specific to your application. This can be useful as your programs get large, as a way of communicating changes between different parts of your program. See the gk::event and gk::notifier pages in the reference manual for more information.

GroupKit User Manual. Last updated March 16, 1998 by Mark Roseman.