
Support for maintaining workspace awareness information


gk::awareness init
gk::awareness model
gk::awareness registerScrollableWidget widget ?document?
gk::awareness documentForWidget widget


The gk::awareness command is a preliminary framework used to maintain workspace awareness information on conference participants.

The "gk::awareness init" command initializes these facilities, while the "gk::awareness model" command returns the name of the environment used to keep track of awareness information.

The "gk::awareness registerScrollableWidget" associates a scrollable Tk widget (such as a text or canvas) with an abstract document. If omitted, it uses a "default" document. All widgets that refer to the same abstract document will share awareness information, even if the widgets themselves have different names. This command sets up widget bindings (the -xscrollcommand and -yscrollcommand configuration options) so that when the widget scrolls this is intercepted by the awareness model and shared with others. The "gk::awareness documentForWidget" command is used to determine the name of the abstract document referred to by a widget.

Currently, the position of each user is stored within the awareness model environment under the key usernum.view.document.viewExtent.

GroupKit Reference Manual. Last updated April 24, 1998 by Mark Roseman.