WWW Design and Style

This is a page with (so far) a few pointers about WWW design and style. Started on march 25 2000.

Design @ TECFA

Design criteria #1 @ Tecfa is speed of creation, loading and maintenance :). So basically: almost no web design in our site.



[Todo: Our Campus work]


.... these selected sites offer various beliefs, take your own pick :)

Building Web Sites / Web Design

Here is a selection of various sites.

HTML Pages Design (mostly)

Making icons

(see also the HTML page)

Graphics oriented design




Printed Books

Legibility of text

Serif fonts, all things being equal, are easier to read (except on a computer screen)


Web Design Links, Portals & Zines

Also, dig in above's links, most major WebDesign resources have a link page !!

General Design





Finally, a small note about the design of these "toolbox pages": Design criteria #1 was speed of updating and maximizing chances that I would spot old and useless stuff. Design criteria # 2 was to optimize speed of access to frequent users. Design criteria #3 was point people to links they maybe would not search for in a DB.
The answer was simple HTML but I should have used XML instead. We use a simple script that translates title and header less HTML into something with a TOC and a header. I know (and teach) how to design simple web-based db's, but don't think that they are really cost effective for low profile operations such as this one. I have come to the belief that filling in big forms is too heavy for me and also that db's are big black forests that quite well protect old and useless data. Though some pages are growing too big and for these my reasoning doesn't apply that well :(

Last modified: Thu Jun 2 11:45:18 MEST 2005