Women in History



Résumé, summary

Students will research women in history using CD-ROM encyclopedias, libraries and almanacs. Children will develop an outline of the project before typing into the word processor. This assignment will include pertinent data about what it was like to live during the time the subject lived. Use almanacs to research data about weather, population, habitats, etc. Teachers and students will edit, revise and print finished research paper. (May provide a comparison paragraph to present.)

Discipline, subject :

telematics sciences Naturwissenschaft sciences scienze mathématiques Mathematik mathematics matematica social studies études sociales télématique

Public :

primaire Primarschule primary school primario cycle d'orientation Sek I, BWK lower high school ciclo d'orientamento

Contacts :

Kulla, Therese

102 Fee Fee Rd.

Tel : (314) 213-8016
Mail :
Fax : (314) 213-8616

Pédagogie, pedagogy :

The students will research information about women in history using CD-ROM technology and write a report.

Apprentissage, learning :

Research, data collection, and writing summaries.

Enseignement, teaching :

Teaching about equity and the difficulty in finding information about minorities and women in history. Teach outlining and research skills.

Technique :

Students will develop research skill using CD-ROM and writing skill using ClarisWorks Word Processor.

Société, society :

Students will peer edit report and work cooperatively to research.

Culture :

We will discuss multi-cultural and equitable aspects of history recording. Why is there so few women recorded in history?

Institution :

Twenty three students per class will work cooperatively with our seven CD units in the computer lab to research historical info. Each student will use their individual computer to write, save and print assignment.

Logistique :

Computers available for each student. CD-ROM capability.

Remarques, remarks :

Different time frames may be suggested depending on the focus of the curriculum for that grade level. Students may choose numerical data to graph from the time the subject lived.